Anyone NOT like the Gauss SAW?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Starlight288, Jan 5, 2014.

  1. thePankakeManne

    I don't think TR and VS players like the Gauss SAW. Personally, I haven't met an NC soldier (myself included) that hasn't enjoyed the weapon.

    It's amazing.
  2. Pie Chasm

    Where do you have that information from?

    All that should have changed with the last patch is the hip-fire, nothing else.
  3. HerpTheDerp

    • Up x 1
  4. Myrgatroid

    Yep, we are supposed to burst-fire w/ the NC6, but the FSM does a GREAT job of gimping our ability to do this effectively. It is indeed bullship.
  5. KnightCole

    Yeah, I dont get why SoE insists on pingeonholing weapons into certain roles then gimping thier ability to perform in that role..

    It almost reminds me of US Xpress trucking company, were supposed to haul around up to 40K pounds yet they go and cut back the horse power and they put governors on the speed and stuff. Making the intended role of the truck a little bit harder to do. It can do it but it does it worse.

    If The NC6 is to be a "ranged lmg" then it should have Worse Hip fire and Bloom, buffed up FSM, ADS bloom that allows us to fire a pretty sustained burst before it blooms. It should also have minimal FSM, considering the gun already has a heavy Vert Recoil.

    Same with hte Warden, its a "Battle Rifle" or, how I see it, mini sniper, yet it has 500RpM?! really? Buff up its Velocity to 615ms
  6. KnightCole

    Where did I get this? In game firing the damn thing. I know what it could do before, I know what it does now.

    I fired a long burst rather close across the roof of the building at Palos and after killing one guy, the 2nd guy I couldnt even hit. Prior to this "lmg nerf", I could have easily maintained CoF bloom on the weapon and killed em both, they were literally sitting on each other.

    Also, ive sat up at Crossroads Watchtower on indar and fired down on guys, I could see the bullets spread as I continued to fire, it was about 6-8 rounds before the rounds were blooming all over uncontrollably.
  7. Pie Chasm

    How can you be sure that it's the gun, but not the crappy hit detection?

    I've noticed that it's taking more than it ought to kill people.

    An LA ate almost 20+ rounds from a TMG-50 (from 20 meters) before one-shotting me in the face...and of course my shield was at full even though I had activated it.

    When the damage I deal is not more than 2000 and somebody dies, it seems like a miracle now...

    That's why I try not to stray from high DPS weapons at the moment.

    Not to mention people eating 3+ shotgun blasts to the face, non-heavy.

    I've also used the NC6 and it seems to be every bit as good as before, but sometimes the hits I do land deal no damage due to lag, or whatever they've changed serverside.
  8. Chazt

    I have noticed that after removing the high velocity ammo from my saw this thing has been reigned in for both vertical and horizontal recoil. Last I checked it was supposed to only effect vertical so maybe this is a bug. However after removing it I find that I am being more efficient with it across all ranges. The only real downside is it take an extra shot or two at long ranges, however I find this is a decent trade off for landing all the shots in a burst. I still don't bother trying at extreme ranges however, I don't understand how I get killed on a ridge from a mile away by a guy with a carv, but when I try taking a shot it results in an amazing miss.
  9. KnightCole

    When SoE going to fix that hit detect BS, cuz that is draining the fun out of this game for me faster then the HMS Hood sunk...

    IM getting real tired of unloading on a guy a full second before he even knows whats happening, I shoot the **** out of him and he STILL manages to turn around and drain my shield and armor bars before he dies, and in some cases, kills me.

    This is also preventing me from properly defending a spot. I like to sit in spots where i know rows of enemy go and sure enough, they quite often do but because I have to spend so damn long on one guy I cannot fight the other guys around him. This game was running alot better before its just a act in futility and rage. Get rid of this hit detect crap and guys in vehicle bays, those are my favs, just mow down rows of guys...but nooooooOOOooOOoo000

    I know my killboard still has some decent streaks on it and stuff, but get rid of this BS hit detect and it would be looking real nice. I know a guy who killed me with a Hailstorm, maybe hes still on there, he was SooOOOooOO dead before he managed to somehow kill me. I saw him, point blank, ADS and began firing, about a second later he fires and we manage to kill each other.

    Another time wiht my Jackhammer, I unload into a guys back with about 3-4 rounds as he runs away, I chase him and put one right in his face from 2 inches and he kills me.

    Those are just 2 moments I remember from yesterday, it happens constantly now and its really getting old.

    And maybe the BS with the NC6 is hit detect crap cuz my EM6, T9 CARV and TMG50 all seem to have really, really, really, bad Bloom now. They cant ADADADD for **** anymore for some reason.
  10. Pie Chasm

    Hit detection FTW...

    The game is starting to feel like call of duty and sadly I think most new players won't notice a difference in the quality of hit detection.
  11. ikillyou1990

    I didn't like it. Put a 4x scope, compensator and forward grip on it. I prefer my EM6.
  12. KnightCole

    FTFL(for the ***** loss), not FTW....

    3 cheers for this again, just played and yeah, alot of the same unloading and dying....

    Gotta say, its becoming harder to wanna play.

    If I start gaming with my uncle and stuff in other games, PS2 might go the way of the dodo....this hit detect is annoying..
  13. Pie Chasm

    It's a bad fix, but you will have more success with high RoF weapons.

    Hopefully you have a Blitz ready....
  14. KnightCole

    Lol, I use the CARV and still have similar results.
  15. Pie Chasm

    ... Oh well. They done broke it.

    Might as well bump the post on the bug forums then and cross your fingers.
  16. KnightCole

    I stopped hoping for stuff.....
  17. KnightCole

    No, the Gauss SAW is not pin point accurate. the first 4 rounds go all over the place, let alone 10 or so. And yeah, something is just wrong with this game. A guy survived 13 shots at him, I know atleast which half had to have hit is head, but you know the best part? When I died the kill cam thing showed he had taken ZERO, yup ZERO damage.....Give me a goddamn break with that ********.

    Just had a 25-5 little run just now, of which, pre PU2, I woulda easily been 30-3 or better. This game is just becoming so pointless, I am beginning to get that same feeling I get when I see World of Tanks, its a sense of dread, rage and pure hatred......

    I then commence to play and yup....nothing good.
  18. Moisture

    This is false, Blatantly and verifiably false.
    Didn't you tell me you has like over a thousand kills with this gun?
  19. KnightCole

    Lol I do. But long range firing with this thing is not that pin point accurate. Was doing it just tonight.
  20. Psykmoe

    The first shot of the SAW is pinpoint accurate if you're stationary, MINUS projectile drop at range. OF COURSE automatic weapons do not remain pinpoint accurate as they rack up per-shot bloom.

    Speaking of per-shot bloom, I never thought it was that terrible that the SAW gets 0.07 bloom in ADS compared to 0.06 on 167dmg LMGs. At close range, the SAW actually generates less total bloom to inflict 1000 damage to kill a guy than a 167dmg LMG, at longer ranges where damage loss means you need extra bullets, SAW ties other 167dmg guns for bloom generated per kill. Assuming center mass shots of course.

    The bigger problem for general use is the lowered ADS-movement accuracy compared to other LMGs, forcing a playstyle adjustment where you lose more effective range by strafing than other guns do. Possibly why I enjoy the GD-22S so much, tied for most accurate LMG during ADS movement.. But per shot bloom on SAW? Essentially trivial.