The 3350P is a guess since I forgot that the 3450 also has a base stock clock of 3.1 as do one or two other rarely-bought chips. Note the following: People do make mistakes you know. I proceeded to remember the 3350P and forget that it was my guess and not confirmed. The world does not end because I recalled something incorrectly. Normal people when stating "Stuff is good, but stuff2 is X more" mean more than the previously mentioned item. If I was going to skip back to what I had mentioned two models ago, I would have had to specify that. How about we not waste any more time arguing over something this pointless? /stops.
If you had stated the price of the 3350P, then your statements would be very clear. Example: The celeron G530 costs $50. The core i7-2600k is nice. but 3770k only costs $10 more. Therefore, choose the 3770k. I am intentionally trying to confuse you by omitting the i7-2600k price.
Core i5 won't make this game playable, don't bother wasting your time. It's sad but it's true. It's terribly optimized. People can write here whatever they want, but it's clear that recommended system requirements aren't specified correctly for this game, unless recommended now means "get stutter in bigger battles and die easily because you can't hit ****". I have tried playing at night when apparently there were few people on the server and buy could I hit! Stuttering wasn't there, the performance was surprising (with max pre-rendered frames set to 1, maybe it was placebo effect but seems like that setting helped me in a low population situation). But the next day all was back to usual. Also it doesn't help that I'm NC. Obviously, the game like this is meant to be played with decent FPS. It's created to be competitive, just look at the time it takes to earn 1000 certs for a gun. I don't know how many people are supposed to be competitive in it if CPUs like i5 suck for this game. How many of those 4000 players really can hit in this game and have decent FPS without stuttering in fights? I think not many. So basically it's a few people with great systems and all the rest are running meat pretty much...
That's funny because the grand majority of Sandy/Ivy i5 users play the game well. Nobody I know with a 3570k has any problems. Care to back that up?