Anyone else still here from Beta/Launch?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheBloodEagle, Aug 17, 2014.

  1. Ripshaft

    Got in on early tech-test in mid july. Game's only gotten better, though I personally preferred some of their earlier design experiments, especially lots of the more radical changes, like the inability to repair for a period of time after taking damage, totally changed the vehicle gameplay at the time. edit: and to be clear this is in context of the gamestate at that time (vehicles were IMMENSELY more powerful and far tougher overall), this type of thing is completely incompatible with the current state of the game.

    Though despite me liking that it's obviously not beneficial to the game as a whole, and would further encourage power disparity. From a rational analysis the game has only gotten better and I'm always impressed at the balls the devs show at changing what needs to be changed, but taking a long time to pensively ensure that they don't screw everything up. =p

    I do find it particularly interesting how they're primarily having difficulty predicting the psychological effects of their changes, though they do seem to be getting much better at that. Their team could benefit from a good psychoanalyst, but those are very rare and usually would find their efforts more rewarding at a university.
  2. Stigma

    Here since beta. Game has improved in a lot of ways but there are still many unadressed issues.
    For all its flaws PS2 is still way more engaging than any other alternatives IMO. That's why I jumped on the game as soon as I heard that they were making a sequel to PS1.

  3. void666

    I've been around since beta. Took a break a few times though.
    For me the game is getting better.
  4. Flashtirade

    Since launch. I still remember everyone flipping their ESFs in the warpgate.

    While I don't agree with the way vehicles and their counters are implemented in this game, for the sake of current balance I think they're for the most part okay.
    Still waiting for the NC to get a railgun or railgun-like weapon (think spinfusor) that's not a sniper.
  5. Nekky

    Played beta/release. Took a break for a little while but now back and playing more often as I can find the time. I really like the new layouts for some of the bases. Game is definitely getting better.
  6. Calisai

    Been playing since Tech Test in July of '12. Alpha Squad + Member since the game released. No breaks longer than 3-4 days. Average of 2.5 hrs per day for my 1 character (enough XP on that character to have 3 BR100's)

    Honestly, as annoying and frustrating as this game can be sometimes... It's the one and only game I play right now. I find that if I get burnt out of doing something in the game, there are plenty of other playstyles to choose from to entertain myself. That combined with the fact that PS2 is a constantly changing landscape (release PS2 vs today's PS2 is amazingly different)... for better or worse... it's definitely ever-changing.

    Don't see myself leaving anytime soon.
    • Up x 1
  7. Canno

    Here since Alpha but don't play nearly as much.

    The game has gone from tactics to smash zerg in to zerg. That can be fun but not for very long - current lattice system plus the revamps of bases/continent plus Hossin have been steps in the wrong direction.

    Vehicle combat used to be a lot more interesting, now it's stand back and shell things. Air combat used to be more dynamic, now it's farm things with libs.

    Base fights used to be more competitive, now it's get zerged, get shelled, get farmed (or be on the side doing it). Defence actually had a chance at one point.

    Not sure what they can do to bring it back now, though. It's swung so farm in the other direction from what it used to be that I'm not sure they can undo many changes or if the current crop of players would appreciate what it used to be.

    Maybe a PS2 classic rules server?
  8. Howler556

    Here since launch day in november.
    Like how its going mostly. Still hate the vanu.
    Just wish they would get real night battles back.
    Optimize optimize optimize....
  9. Champagon

    I am here from Beta and a PS1 vet, so far I have "left" this game twice they are heading in the right direction now. Albeit slowly, the biggest problem is the devs listening to forumside nerf herders
  10. phreec

    Here. Balance wise it's at its best. Resource revamp also made it more fun for non-members.

    However the Miller/Woodman merge completely f***ed up the server and I'm enjoying the game less and less by the day...
  11. Saval

    I'm still here from beta, and I think the game has come a long way since. It's a lot of fun, and I'm looking forward to experiencing weather in the game, (rain, sand storm, snowfall, etc) I'm also looking forward to more continents, and more vehicles. I'd like to see a vehicle transport, like the lodestar from Planetside 1. I'd also like to see another tank class, and more tank turret / weapon options. I played Planetside 1 for 4-5 years, and expect to do the same for this one. Ten continents would be awesome to have, and continent locking would really shine then, but I'm not sure if we have the population or resources for that many continents, but I guess only time will tell. I'd also like to see the ability to hack vehicles, and plant viruses in terminals like Planetside 1 infiltrators had. There's a ton of stuff I want in this game, but it's gonna be a while. Waiting sucks lol. :p This is the best mmo fps out there, and the huge battles are awesome. The directives were a great addition to the game, people always love achievement stuff.
  12. Fortress

    First off, I've been here since 2005 - suck it, filthy casuals.

    Second, this game is getting better and better now that SOE is figuring out that hey this is an FPS and maybe we should let players have fun as infantry without getting relentlessly farmed by HE scrubs who have reduced this already hyper-simple game to a point and click adventure.

    So really, this game's development can be summed up as:

    PS1 Vets win, Battleduty 3 "muh combined arms" idiots lose.

    Provided this trend continues, we might eventually have a worth successor to PS1.

  13. flynn444

    I played in beta, played a LOT after release, quit for a while, then came back again a couple months ago and am again playing a LOT. I usually have fun (playing with my RL brother), but the game has a number of annoyances that detract from the experience. I'll eventually grow bored and quit, as I do with every game.
  14. OldMaster80

    Here since beta, and still loving the game a lot.
  15. WarpGuN

    Still here yo!
  16. TraatAdmiral

    Joined in early December 2012, but I haven't played particularly frequently for the entire time. My impression is that overall the game right now is about as good as it's ever been. There are a number of issues that remain that could be cleared up, but with Hossin finally here, Battle Islands on the way, the Valkyrie, the remainder of the resource revamp, continent locking, and all the other stuff that's happening relatively soon, the future looks bright.
  17. Riku

    Yeah, Beta. I've been both very satisfied with updates like the PUs, but then I was disappointed at things such as how they handle balance (they tend to overnerf things but only after having it left op for half a year, then they don't buff things that are underperforming etc.) and the server stability/connection quality. We STILL have lag issues on Miller during prime time affecting a large chunk of the population - delays, repair/resupply/healing bugged etc...
  18. zu2

    I have been here since day 1 of Beta, August 3rd 2012. 4000+ hours in game. I find the current gameplay just fine, the development and management has been good, if slow at times. Releases and updates have come, again, if a bit slow. Communication has been excellent. The game has changed for the better, new people continue to join, and with the server merges, population has been as good or better than the early days of live. I see very few obvious hacks, unlike the first few months. Continental lockout has resulted in a much more dynamic game where warpgates are changing constantly, unlike, say, last year when you could go a month with warpgates in the same spot on a continent. The addition of directives has added some personal types of incentives for br100 players who no longer worry about certs or rank.
  19. Noktaj

    Been here since open beta day 1.
    I've endured every bug and questionable gameplay choice :D

    My main concerns right now are:

    - Laggy EU servers destroying the fun (running from 150 to 800 to infinite ping constantly)
    - Bugged hit detection
    - New alerts that are pointless, and simply NOT FUN to play (remember when winning by 1% at last second was considered FUN gameplay and not something to get rid off? :( )
    - Complete absence of meta-gaming after resource revamp phase 1, cutting off entire sections of a continent from enemy warpgate is just for the lulz.

    To me, game has improved in some (few) things while has gone down the hill in (many) others.
    Still fun to play though, simply because there's no real war FPS alternative out there.
  20. longmachao

    Been here since closed beta. For all the negativity on the forum this game is still my go to FPS. I can't bring myself to play other FPS after playing PS2... other games just feel so empty and confine. I'm generally happy with the game's progress, wish they would release new content faster though. I think everything is pretty much riding on the success of the PS4 launch.

    PS: I actually remember you OP, I think I joined your outfit out of launch on Waterson VS. Kinda remember you talking about moving to TR too.