I've noticed pretty consistent frames with this patch, which surprises me greatly. All of the other patches, with the exception of GU06 absolutely destroyed my framerate. SOE is going to really need to pull out all the stops with optimisation if they want to retain players.
I noticed a frame rate drop too. no real combat lag (probably because it's not the weekend yet) but my frames in warpgate deffinitely went down with this patch. I think it went down at least 20 FPS maybe even 30 FPS for no reason I can tell and that's with my system (in signature), with no Physx. I can only imagine a lesser system losing those kinds of frames. Going to see if there's a driver update.
Same here. Never before have I had this low of FPS. Usually my range is about 45-20fps, warpgate to large facility battle. My range is now 30-15FPS, warpgate to large facility battle... on Esamir...
Was running at 10-15 FPS for a good chunk today. Outside of large fights or vehicles, was hitting a consistent 15-20 FPS.
i7 3820@5ghz and 6970@1ghz and i cant tell any difference - it seems the same as always (so far after playing for about 6 hours)