Anyone else bothered by how effective AA MAXES are against infantry?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Beartornado, Mar 19, 2013.

  1. Beartornado

    I feel like MAX units with dual Flak bursters are far too effective at taking out infantry with those bursters. Many duels I've had with a lone AA MAX have resulted in me dying very quickly, probaby because I don't expect them to actually do significant damage to me (or even hit me) with their bursters. It could be just me, but it's starting to feel like bursters are a little too effective at dispatching infantry, even if the AI weapons of the MAX units are still superior for killing infantry. I've personally been out in the open and able to kill infantry at a distance or up close with bursters.

    Taking AA should be a tradeoff, meaning a single AA MAX caught by enemy infantry would either have to fight with melee or run, not gun them down with bursters and then go about their business. MAX units can already switch out at any time at infantry terminals anyway if they need to adjust to fit the situation.

    That being said, does anyone else feel this way? Anyone else bothered or experience this?
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  2. Zaik

    not really, I think two heavies could probably stand perfectly still and shoot down an AA MAX with LMGs.
  3. Soundmonitor

    No I almost killed one with my infiltrator with 2 claymors a nade and my sniper rifle, he had to switch to a scatmax to kill me lol
  4. smokemaker

    A flak gun at point blank range....
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  5. Jaquio

    If their weapons are powerful enough to shred through metal planes, why would they not damage your soft, pink flesh?
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  6. Beartornado

    I'm mostly talking about direct conflicts. I'm probably a dope for not still using cover, but in a head on conflict if the MAX is aware of you and able to shoot you then they can kill you with bursters. HA's would probably scare them off if they have rockets, but I've been killed as a Light assault trying to C4 a lone AA Max (standard hover over him and hope he doesn't notice me approach).
  7. ScrapyardBob

    It's just you. Learn to adapt and stop assuming that a burster MAX is a defenseless target.
  8. Beartornado

    They would realistically, but realistic doesn't always make for good gameplay. What if rockets (dumbfire launchers on HAs) could no longer 1HKO infantry on direct hits? It wouldn't be realistic, but it would force rocket launchers into their sole role of handling vehicles, meaning an HA wandering with his launcher out will have to switch weapons if he happens across enemy infantry rather than just gib them before the first few shots are fired.
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  9. Being@RT

    Plenty of players kill my dual burster MAX, and sometimes I kill them. I tend to attribute my kills more to luck or the enemy not being aware of me rather than the bursters being especially good at that task.
  10. Beartornado

    That seems awfully contradictory. It's just me when I say that they appear too effective against infantry, but then I can't assume they wouldn't be helpless against me if they are suited for AA?
  11. GSZenith

    if i can knife a scattnoobs you can knife a sad soul with bursters
  12. Deathcapt

    From both sides, I think a burster MAX is about even with an HA, and good skill on either part will win the conflict. Keep in mind that the Burster cannot heal him / recharge shields, and has a very limited ammo supply. A burster supported by an engineer is really strong though.
  13. Madmojo

    Better than my cosmos :p
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  14. SpankyH

    No. I remember when bursters were worthless against infantry, and it sucked.

    They are just fine. Good enough that a burster max isn't totally helpless vs anyone with so much as a handgun, but not so good that it isn't always better to have a dedicated AI gun.
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  15. Chicken Wings

    I don't think so. They are very easily taken care of if you don't stand still, and I've never killed more than two or three infantry in a combat zone with a burster max.

    When you consider that all flak guns are are big cannons, it actually almost makes less sense that they aren't more effective...
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  16. Mythicrose12

    HA with Flak armor (and honestly...who doesn't run without Flak armor anymore?) is more than a match for a dual burster MAX. Two dumb fire rockets or a dumb fire rocket and emptying the LMG clip in to the MAX's head and call it a day.
  17. HamOnRye

    No, not really. A bit of range and two clips usually does the job (assuming one of his pals doesn't gun me down first).
  18. WycliffSlim

    I dunno... sometimes with my VS MAX I don't even notice the difference between dual bursters and my AI weapons. :p
    Naw, I think bursters are pretty ok though... a MAX should always be a bit of an intimidating target and dual bursters definitely puts you at a massive disadvantage against infantry.
  19. Flying Mug

    No, because they're the only MAX weapons I like.

    EDIT: I am noticing a pattern.
  20. Crazytrain

    No. A thousand times no. Ditch the rock-paper-scissors mentality. There's already too much of it and it makes for stupid gaming.
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