Anybody have data on raw DPS of magazine vs reload speed?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by a4555in, Apr 6, 2014.

  1. a4555in

    Would just like to know the raw DPS of fully certed magazine size and reload speed for different aircraft weapons.
    I know that magazine size if usually more beneficial(except with the shredder maybe)...but I just want to know what does more damage.
  2. Frosty The Pyro

    for ESF noseguns? no. Back when i did all that math it was for AV values, and i did not include ESF noseguns, did have the shredder, but it was from about 8 months ago.

    if you want to work it as % its pretty easy though.

    Just open up Microsoft excel, label columns damage, refire (time between shots, =1/(rpm/60), reload, U-reload, magsize, U-magsize, dps, dpsR, dpsM.
    dps= damage*magsize/(refire*magsize+reload)

    so 100*dpsr/dps-100 is the % reload is better than nothing, 100*dpsM/dps-100 is the % magazine size is better than nothing, and 100*dpsM/dpsR-100 is the % magazine size is better than reload.

    • Up x 1
  3. Zenanii

    It's not that simple. Take the rotary for scythe. If you can reliably 1-clip enemy esf with less then 45 shoots magazine size is better. If you can't, reload speed is better.
    The uppgrades for the stock gun are so weak it's not even worth doing the math for it.
    For all the anti-infantry noseguns magazine size is leaps and bounds better then magazine size.
  4. Flashtirade

    Raw DPS for vehicle weapons isn't very useful because of all of the different resistances. It technically could be used to compare weapons of the same type, but anything past that doesn't work.
  5. a4555in

    Fair point, didn't consider that.