Any plans for reducing the gigantic TR MAX head hitbox?

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Obuw, Jan 10, 2014.

  1. Obuw

    Ever since I started MAXing as TR, I've been noticing how VS MAXes can often kill me significantly faster than I can kill them. Since the weapons are practically equal, (usually cosmos vs mutilator) I was assuming it's just the kinetic armor difference, but then I went to the VR to take a look, and realized that there is no downside to shooting a TR max in the head; it's almost as wide as the body and 100% of your bullets will still hit.

    Now assuming it has been this way since launch, surely people must have complained about it nonstop at some point? Is this just the way it is going to be, or have they ever mentioned any plans for addressing this?

    The extreme but simple method would be making MAXes immune to headshot multipliers. More elaborate methods could include reducing the headshot multiplier for the TR MAX only, or adding something like a 0.2x multiplier to the plates around the head (so you take very little damage from those being hit), or changing the TR MAX model.

    Or perhaps the kinetic armor cert line could reduce headshot damage taken?

    Oh god, I wonder how the latest change that makes headshots ignore nanoweave have affected MAXes. Surely the base 80% resist is not getting bypassed on headshots now is it? What about kinetic armor?
  2. Ceskaz

    I've already said this on this forum : I think headshot on a MAX is a non sense : they are heavily armored and headshot shouldn't deal more damage, just hinder you aim more than regular shot.

    Besides this concept, I'm not sure TR have a disadvantage on headshot in term of hitbox.
  3. Alarox

    The problem isn't that the actual head hitbox is larger. The problem is that you can spray at the head and still maintain high accuracy due to the huge shoulders and "neck".
  4. MaxDamage

    Wasn't aware it was such an issue.

    Disagree. Headshots are legit, I think they should definitely be rewarded, I think it's more important than on regular troops, to have something specific to aim for on an armoured target that allows skill to win over.
  5. Chubrokoli

    I dont think SOE made the whole shoulders and head to count as headshots, that would be too cheap from such a big company. Maybe you guys are imagining something because i've had never problems with that.
  6. Obuw

    Oh no, the whole shoulders and head most likely do not count as headshots. The problem is, as Alarox said, you can aim for the head and all your shots will hit. Some will be headshots, some will be shoulde hits (regular damage). But they will all hit.

    Whereas when you're attacking an NC or VS max, roughly half your shots will hit, while half miss (doing 0 damage). Okay, I don't know the exact percentage, and it obviously depends on weapon and distance, but you get the point.

    This is really important especially for MAX vs MAX situations due to the inherent spray-n-pray mechanics of the MAX AI weapons and low mobility, making it very easy to aim for the head.
  7. Shizzerk

    I get head shotted absurdly easily as a TR max, not sure about the other factions though because I haven't tried yet. I think 90% or more of the shots taken on me, as a max, are counting as head shots. A lot of the time I'm running some distance adjacent to a tower or facility and all I hear is DINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDING. It's made me wonder about the hitbox size of the head, mostly due to how easy people can get headshots on maxes. I sometimes just shrug it off that some of the guns have no recoil and low cone of fire.
  8. Ceskaz

    Matter of opinion. But there is a real issue there : head placement on the body is very empire specific. For example, can we headshot a TR MAX from behind ? And as vor VS, it has maybe the more protuding head of any MAX.
  9. Chubrokoli

    and the "fattest" max is NC MAX with its giant metal body
  10. oherror

    Dont really have an issue with the headshot thing. I can usually kill whats shooting me max or otherwise. Its fine as it is
    • Up x 1
  11. Obuw

    Good for you.
  12. Ripshaft

    Pretty sure all maxes use the same collision model, just like all players use the same collision model (it's just as easy for you to headshot them as it is for them to headshot you). And obviously the max head does have the resistances, otherwise they would die almost instantly to smallarms fire in the face.
  13. kadney

    I just took a quick turn in the VR and for me it looks like the hitboxes are the nearly the same. Facing a NC / VS max at point blank from the front, you can shoot the air next to their head and still hit. o_O
    I'd record a video but my computer is just way to bad. :p
  14. Obuw

    I did some tests too. Yep, some of the air around the heads for NC / VS can result in hits. And some of the outer edges of the TR armor don't result in hits. It still seems like the TR hitbox is wider though. Perhaps someone with more time on their hands can test it more thoroughly.
  15. The Walrus Whisperer

    I think the head hitbox is the same size for all maxes but because of the way the shoulders on the TR max work it's easy to get hits on the body when aiming for the head and vise versa.