Any outfit commited to using mostly air??

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by derpythecow, Nov 16, 2013.

  1. derpythecow

    Im looking for on outfit that conducts air raids and will help already decent pilots become great.
  2. Daire

    Hello Derpythecow!

    First off, I just have to say that your name is awesome!
    Anyways, I'm Daire and I'm in an outfit called Derp Company. I can't say that we are mostly air, but we break things down into multiple divisions. So we have an Infantry, a Mechanized, and an Air division which is in need of more pilots!
    We do regular training for the division which can cover both the basics of flying as well as the more advanced techniques.
    There's a lot I can say about Derp and what we offer, but I think it's best if you come play with us and see what we're all about!

    Our website is and you can also join our TeamSpeak server at the same address, No password required.

    Look forward to seeing you!
    - Daire (Otilita in game)
  3. santuckcasper

    what server are you on derpy?
  4. HythlodayDerpCompany

    Well, I'd reason to say that he's on Waterson considering that this is the Waterson sub forum. Derpy, I can also second Derp Company. We're definitely looking for more pilots to grow our Aviation Division! Come check us out so you can see whats up! I think you'll like what you find.
  5. Dagonlives

    NUC (LIbz), PREY (M1tt) and ZAPs all have groups of guys who devote themselves to mostly air combat. In the case of PREY that is all they do.

    Considering these three outfits are TR, NC, and VS respectively that gives you a fair bit of choice if you are interested in the air game.