There likely will not be counterparts on NC or VS. Doku has stated that he doesn't have the time to create more armour, but he has made a hypothetical post asking the community which faction they would like to see get his next armour. That said, it is not a confirmation he will be making more, just hypothetical.
No, he doesn't. He made a hypothetical post regarding if he will make one for a faction, which faction he will choose... he did not say that it's 100% going to happen.
the NC set is called Spartan armour, here is a little preview, imho the TR got the better set by a long way also here is a quick look at Marine Armour for TR
Terribly sorry for not replying to this, for some reason alerts didn't pop it up. Also I'm a little disappointed in the spartan armor, I get the spartans didn't wear much armor but I'd like fullplate over more khaki pants.
i know what you mean, compared with how totally bad@ss the AMA armour is i find both the Relic and the Spartan to be pretty underwhelming. i want bulk! bulk on everything!