Any ideas when the next wave of PS helmets are going to be released?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LUCAGRABACR, Dec 5, 2013.


    So, I have a little bit of SC left from Black Friday's sale, I was thinking about buying some gears for my NC toon (my main is VS) but since the upcoming helmets look pretty awesome, I'm a litte in doubt here, should I wait for the upcoming helmets? Anyone knows when they are coming? :)
  2. Squibo

  3. Oraculum

    I'm thinking they're saving the Player Studio stuff for the update coming out mid december, they haven't kept to their normal schedule of releasing something every wednesday.
  4. Pikachu

    They're all ugly anyway, except for the vanu hooded one which is too similar to avalon anyway.
  5. Ttariel

    The open helmets make no sense without more face customization so they drop out for me.
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  6. EagleGuardian

    I'd be very grateful if someone were to upload a few screenshots of the new upcoming cosmetics!

    (For those of us not using the PTS...)
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  7. KnightCole

    Id love if that retracted foreman hat was made..well..unretracted...
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  8. Pikachu

    What makes even less sense are the helmets with visor that goes outside the field of view. Glass over the forehead.
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  9. Ttariel

    You mean you dont have a second pair of eyes on your forehead ?
    *gasp* im calling the popo.
  10. Oraculum

    They did put in an unretracted version... sadly they made it a Grand Ambassador reward in their recruit a friend program.
  11. iMartyr

    The player studio helmets on the PTS are not good i want us to be able to vote for them not the art team.
  12. Ttariel

    You know what i could go for ?
    new armor
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  13. KnightCole

    Well thats a big bucket of bull shiz....

    So anyone have it that could post a screenie of what it looks like closed up?
  14. Tenebrae Aeterna


    I don't care for the open helmets myself for that very same reason. If you could customize your visage a considerable amount, open face helmets and the like could be lovely and would sell much better.
  15. i4PLAY

    Any idea when the PS camos and helmets are going to finally be made available to EU players?
  16. SinerAthin

    I'd love to see some pics as well so I'd have a point of reference.

  18. Geneaux

    There we're new helmets(for TR at least) that were released about 3 wks ago or so, for a few moments that is. My outfit leader bought one when it was available, then the devs patched it which removed it from the store but he still has it. Must've pushed it out too soon or on accident I suppose. I might have a SS of the helmet.


    I found it using the website mentioned above. I didn't know they had a website and thread on it.