Any good futuristic outfit names?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tylerso12, Dec 1, 2013.

  1. Tylerso12

    I'm probably on the wrong forum. But I just got confused so I posted this here. So if anyone has a good Vanu outfit name just post here
  2. DJPenguin

    Noooooo all the TR outfits on Waterson with the words Terran and/or Republic in their names are bad enough. Don't do it!
  3. Brahma2

    Space Age Hitler and the **** Synthesizers?
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  4. FateJH

    Future Crew.
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  5. Tylerso12

    I'm probably not going to add the word vanu into it.

    At first I tried 147th Bull Dogs but someone said it isn't a futuristic name so I just disbanded it
  6. Sen7rygun

    Beat me to it lol.
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  7. SinerAthin

    It would fit a TR outfit.

    But if you want to do something with Vanu, how about:

    - Harbingers of Extinction
    - The Exodites
    - The Chosen
    - Disciples of Saren
    - Starborn

    Something sciency, cultish & mystical.
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  8. Crackulous

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  9. nooblet91698

    I thought you were NC? wait...did you change loyalties in a few hours?
  10. SquattingPig

    One day on the forum and he already realizes which faction will make his life easier.
  11. Ganelon

    Probably got stomped on by a ZOE MAX and decided to go VS instead.
  12. xboxerdude

    The Space Faries
  13. Flavo

    Super Special Spandex Squad!
  14. Cab00se187

    Prancing Ponies
    Fairie Pixels
    Laser Spandex

    Pretty much make up anything that doesn't sound manly and you'll have a perfect VS outfit name
  15. Flavo

    Wait, I've got it, Unanimously Fabulous!
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  16. SpaceKing


    Futuristic Outfit Name
  17. MikeJackson

    Remembering 2013.
  18. Prudentia

    Mighty Morphin Zoe Vanus (DWI edition)
    Space, Laz0rs and Swag'n'Yolo
    giggling to much to think of more.
  19. Pixelshader

    420th sagan buttlords
  20. NeverWas

    futuristic outfit name ? i have an idea.


    that's prolly the most futuristic auraxis can get.