Any Gauss Prime tweaks/buffs on the way?

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by lilNubling, May 25, 2015.

  1. lilNubling

    With the recent slight buffs to the God Saw, I was wondering if anyone knows whether there will be similar tweaks to the Gauss Prime?

    As it currently is, it seems to be slightly worse than the NC1 (feels less accurate too..dunno why). Can't even say it feels like a side grade. It really seems like SOE (at the time) really just half-***** the NC AR without putting much thought into how it will play ingame.They give the GP HVA that does absolutely nothing which is just plain dumb. They seem to have attempted to gear it for longer range battles but its accuracy isn't even that great...

    I don't mean to sound like a whiny turd so I apologize in advance if I do. Just a bit angry that I grinded for the gun (cuz I loved the NC1 and Gauss-S) and was hoping for something interesting, and in return for the effort got a half-baked gun that seems to perform worse at every scenario compared to its brethren.
  2. RedArmy

    clearly u havnt use any of the TR directive guns, they are all half baked worse performing weapons
  3. lilNubling

    Actually your right I haven't lol. But I have read that the T1A Unity actually feels like an upgrade to the default cycler so..I am guessing no problems there at least.
  4. _itg

    As far as I can tell, the Gauss Prime is just the NC1 with foregrip, compensator, and HVA. HVA is the only unique thing, and I think most people would not equip that, given the choice, so it's a slight downgrade compared to the stock Gauss rifle. The Unity has SPA, which most people would equip on the stock Cycler, if they could, so that's a slight upgrade.
  5. lilNubling

    That's exactly my problem. The Unity gets at least a slight buff (i.e. what the regular cycler would have been if it had more mods available) whereas the GP gets essentially a slight "nerf".
  6. TheKhopesh

    Fun fact on that "HVA" attachment stuck on it.

    It follows the same HVA principle as the Gauss Rifle Burst's HVA velocity benefit of 0% (lowest in the game, at absolutely no added velocity benefit).
    Which means both the Prime and Gauss Rifle Burst have:

    Base Stats;
    - Velocity 650 m/s
    - Kill your standard 1,000 HP target with 6 bullets up to 10m and 7 bullets at +11m
    - Standard recoil.

    HVA Stats;
    - Velocity 650 m/s
    - Kill your standard 1,000 HP target with 6 bullets up to 10m and 7 bullets at +11m
    - Worse than standard recoil.

    Therefore, the GRB, Prime, (and any future NC1 Gauss Rifle based weapon), get all the downsides of HVA, with no tactical benefit whatsoever gained from it.
    (As AR's don't drop lower than one damage tier, rendering the extra minimum damage range useless. Whether you get that extra minimum damage range extension or not, all shots past 10m will always take the same number of bullets to kill. This means the one and only real benefit AR's get from HVA is the velocity boost.)
  7. _itg

    Actually, the standard velocity of the Gauss Rifle is 600m/s, so it does gain 50m/s. HVA does NOT change bloom per shot. Not on the Gauss Prime, not on the Gauss SAW, not on any gun. What HVA does is increase the vertical recoil by 10%. Still not necessarily a trade most people would make for a small velocity boost, but not as bad as extra bloom.
  8. TheKhopesh

    You are 100% correct.
    My bad, I've been obsessing over the ES sidearms having 2x the bloom of their same damage tier primary weapon counterparts and how horrible that makes them feel since I started going for the sidearm directive (only 197 Mag Shot kills to go, I'm nearly there!) and I just had bloom on the brain.

    Again, sorry about that.
    I've corrected my post, thanks for pointing that out.

    I'm afraid this is the point on which you are mistaken.
    The NC1 Gauss Rifle (and Gauss Rifle Burst) are both 650 m/s base.
    I think you might be mistaking either the 600 RPM fire rate of said weapons with their 650 m/s muzzle velocity, or the NC1/GRB velocities for the Gauss Rifle S muzzle velocity, which is 600 m/s.

    To help clear this up for you, I've taken two screenshots of both the NC1 and GRB on live less than 5 minutes ago, here are those screenshots:

    NC1 Gauss Rifle


    Gauss Rifle Burst

  9. _itg

    You're right, I looked the velocity up, but I read the number from the wrong line. It's the Gauss Rifle S with the 600m/s velocity.