Any Fix for this???

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Yaesu, Apr 17, 2014.

  1. Yaesu

    Well, by the previous posts, IS THE GAME UP OR DOWN??!! It says Waterson is "UP". That's not what I get when I try to get on the game though. Since yesterday's 1700+ MB patch I haven't been able to get on the game at all! Login screen 1, I get the 1 inch lime-green progress bar over top of the regular progress bar. Login screen 2, the character list, I get these 3 inch squares that flicker over the character screen. Login screen 3, the same 1 inch lime-green progress bar over top of the regular bar that stops and sits there at around 91 to 94%. The game even closed down on one occasion. I've let the game run for several minutes but it's stuck and that bar screen at 93%

    Any ideas?
  2. Yaesu

    Don't know WHY

    But after updating video driver to no avail, uninstalling/re-installing PS2 fixed the issue. First time that ever happened.