Any advice on the Gauss Saw?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Leftconsin, Oct 26, 2014.

  1. BobSanders123

    I don't play NC, but based on what I have seen facing these guys my research shows:

    1) Always hipfire
    2) Always fire into teammates back
    3) Jump while hipfiring
  2. JustBoo

    Looking at signature, looking at answer... looking at signature, looking at answer... someone hijacked their Daddy's account. Mmm' kay? :rolleyes:

    I do tend to crouch, stop, fire then move. Rinse and repeat. Mmmm' kay?
  3. Jaedrik

    I'm jokes about the scrubs.
    I didn't even read any of the responses until after the edit :O

    I would venture to say that you're abnormal. The most viable strategy in general is to never stop moving, and most infantry engagements are close range.