Any advice about directive weapons farm?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lazy Shadow, Aug 17, 2017.

  1. Lazy Shadow

    Im not good player..and i cant kill in many situations even 1 vs 1 cus my PC, aim, life sucks. But i really want to get my hands on VS directive LMG yet i only 500 kills with basic Orion after 2 weaks in game. I want to ask. Is there any tips...guides or some advise how to farm kills better, outside "gid gud" like everyone say? Is this painfull grind even worth it? Cus i got auraxsium on default pulsar, half way there on VH45..guess ill try to get darkstar later.
    P.S. sorry for such a bad first post with broken eng. its not my main language
  2. Campagne

    I'd say generally it isn't really worth it, no.

    The VS' Directive LMG is very good and many would consider it worth the effort though. Personally, I think if you are struggling with the game you shouldn't worry about it. It isn't a hugely different weapon to the base Orion, and you may even end up with it anyways just playing the game in the long run.

    Don't worry about, just focus on playing and having as much fun as you can.
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  3. LaughingDead

    Take your time, mix it up, don't focus it down because you wear yourself out, don't forget to mix up the fights too not just the fight you think is good for farming but you're getting killed too much.
  4. Lazy Shadow

    When your impire in underpop 24/7(like 21% of VS against 38 of TR and 41 NC) its not fun at all..someone allways steal your kill or team kill you. Maxes came out of nowhere and you ded. And even if you take just die in 3 sec thx to that LA with C4
  5. Ziggurat8

    Ultimate cheese but easy as pie directive farming. Camp inside biolab teleporter rooms.

    Lemmings can't stand that you're in there and will constantly wait for you to pop your head out. Allowinf for ample easy kills over short periods of time. The greater the pop difference the more they will stick their heads out. Shoot them. Play peak a boo to draw them in. Step out, shoot a bit then run back in and wait.

    Ez money.
  6. TR5L4Y3R

    honestly at least regarding weapondirectives .. don´t bother .. with the ammount of kills needed on any of them and the fact that some are not even effective for killing quick than cqc weapons you might spend easily a year or two till you manage that .. i sure won´t with what limited playtime i have .. the genereal problem with how directives are set up for the most part leads to ineffective gameplay .. as in you are not supposed to use many weapons like the directive promotes .. f.e. a thousand kills with a lock missilelauncher .. that´s a weapon supposed to be used against aircraft and you need 3 shots down a basic esf .. if you were to try and get the directive quickly you might use it against infantry .. were it actualy isn´t supposed to be used .. or take any supression weapon like em1 for example which is more a midrangeweapon which would require to get in the face of enemies to get kills ..
    and realy spawnroomfarming in biolabs? just screw that .. i rather like to spend time having fun with the game ..

    generaly take any weapon you think you are good with killing people and just play the game ..
  7. Rydenan

    Betelgeuse is the only directive weapon in the game that is worth it. Heat mechanic is a huge benefit on top of an already great gun (Orion).
    Trying to rush your directive kills, though, will likely not really speed anything up, and will make it feel like things are going 100x slower. Just play the game, and eventually, you'll get the Auraxium medal for the Orion. Then keep playing until you Aurax the other LMGs. Switch between them for variety, instead of trying to grind out 1170 kills in a row.
    Key is to not give it too much concern.
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  8. RockPlanetSide2

    Or just pad... like 90% of the people do in game to get the Betelgeuse (and that number is realistic).
  9. Lazy Shadow

    Any weapon recommendation what LMG i should use outside Orion?
  10. UberNoob1337101

    SVA-88 is a pretty nice mid-range LMG, I like it, especially good with Forward Grip and Compensator, can hold it's own in CQC and can reach out at longer ranges provided you're good enough.

    Ursa is a good long-range LMG. Pretty good damage at range, fairly good velocity, my only issue is it's power in CQC, which is lacking unless you keep hitting almost all your shots. Get some range and it's great.

    Pulsar LSW is basically SVA-88, but cheaper and without Compensator and a few tweaks. Not a big difference and you can transfer pretty easily from one and the other. It's marginally worse at mid-range and more oriented towards close range.

    NS-15M is a beastly mid-range LMG, even great at close range if you can keep your crosshair on the target. Definitely a must-own, the only thing that is a drawback is it's poor DPS, but you can compensate for it with amazing accuracy and headshotting.

    Polaris is strange. It has better recoil than all other VS LMGs and if you learn it's right-leaning pattern it's a great ADS weapon, but it doesn't do long-range all that great unless you stick a Forward grip and Compensator on it, which turn it into a laser beam if you ADS, but it's notable hip-fire goes out the window. But if you enjoy CQC and hip-fire more and can do well enough without Foregrip and Compensator, the adv. Laser sight is amazing, literally been using it as a carbine. Either way, pretty easy to control and good, especially after the buffs.

    Flare is the only one I kind of dislike. I don't see a whole lot of reason why to use it over Ursa at range. It's horizontal recoil is more random, it's FSR multiplier is higher, it's vertical recoil in comparison is higher and while these can be mitigated with attachments, Ursa will always be more accurate in comparison if it also equips the same attachments. It does have access to SPA and fires at 577 RPM, but at closer ranges I prefer to use other LMGs. It's fairly versatile and it's good, but I like to use more specialized weapons.
  11. Rydenan

    SVA-88 is the popular next-in-line, as it's basically an Orion that trades a small amount of DPS for increased controllability.
    Personally, though, I prefer the Polaris to the SVA-88. It does slightly less DPS (39rpm difference, versus 51rpm difference between Orion and SVA-88), and in exchange has double the max damage range (20m), in addition to gatting SPA, 100 round mag and a much larger ammo pool, more controllable recoil, and better hipfire. And it costs less, to boot.

    As an NC vet, I've never been a huge fan of the 167 damage model, at least in the realm of LMGs and their relative inaccuracy. This feeling extends toward the VS 167-damage LMGs as well. Meh.

    That being said, you'll have to use all of them eventually (minus one, if you aurax the NS-15).
  12. Scatterblak

    It's not worth it.

    ...if you're having a hard time in straight-up fights with guys who have big rigs and smooth framerates, change your play style. Sniper or Stalker don't need 60+ fps to be viable, and they can make huge differences in a fight. It's plenty of fun to spend 5, 10, 20 minutes creeping around behind enemy lines, backstabbing people or finding a great spot on the edge of a fight and headshotting those who haven't learned to keep moving. :) With a sniper and a lot of patience, you can run 20 or 30 kills in a row or more, *if* you're very patient and use your head. :)

    If you're a noob with a weak rig, though, don't jump into those 1 on 1 fights with the kids on their alienware gaming rigs - you're playing their game, and they'll kill you every time.

    ---Old guy (over 50), BR120 infiltrator.
  13. entity009

    When i work on a weapon category i will pick my 5 weapons i want to arax first. I then use those weapons in a 300 kill rotation. I find that looking forward to swapping guns gives me a milestone to break up the long grind. Sort of breaks the task down into a series of smaller victories.
  14. DeadlyOmen

    Engage when you want to, not when you have to.