There needs to be something done about the angle of fire on the ant's gun. Harassers just come along side and fire and you're not able to fire back because the angle/ tilt of the weapon, this needs to be fixed asap!~
Its the same on Sunderers, and it was a change deliberately made in a patch a while back. Though the reasoning was not explained. The only defense then is to move, or jump out.
Even though I recognize the problematic issues of the firing angles (on sundees even lightnings can come up by the side), I don't think it should be made any lower. Reason being that it (as it already does to a slight extent) look stupid when the top gun seemingly fires straight through the vehicle roof to hit enemies in a firing line that would be counted as hitting the ANT/Sundee with any other weapon. The problem makes me kinda think back on the first attempts at creating warplanes in WW1, where the machine gun sometimes could shred the propeller. Ideally the firing angle could be made asymmetric to match the edges of the vehicle.
The fact is mining cordium is BORING and to have the 2 man vehicle fully crewed would be a huge waste of time for the passenger. ANTs (whether intended or not in development) are solo vehicles. Mining is a solo activity. Having an anti vehicle gun not able to hit vehicles is ridiculous. The nerf was intended to allow some shelter for enemy infantry to lay mines or c-4, NOT FOR HARASSERS to nestle up and be invulnerable. It needs to be fixed...
Aparantly the ANTs get attacked so much that this is a problem, otherwise thread wouldnt exist. If ANT gets attacked a lot then theres no boredom. Sorry but youll never convince me running a multi crew vehicle solo should be a viable option, it shouldnt, there really is nothing more to it. Stop running solo and this ceases to be a problem. Like i said in the other thread, base building is not a solo activity, its not intended to be such. If youre simply farming cortium XP then you deserve to be owned by a harasser.
If you're alone better gun angle won't help you, people will just c4 or tank mine while you're immobile and using the turret. You're outnumbered 1v2 so it's expected that a Harasser will kill you.
It may not have intended to be a solo activity, but most of the time it is. This is a situation where the game needs to adjust to the players. A solution could be to make a hybrid gun that can also mine cordium. That would give passengers an incentive to stay, by allowing them to also mine and get certs from mining, but also allow them to be defenders.
Let's keep this in a small portion of reality, no one is going to have a gun on top of their ant that can't shoot vehicles or infantry that walk up on it.
yeah but they had to do it to those vehicles, because somehow they don't like infantry dying to ground vehicles maybe 5-10% of their total lifetime deaths, they seem to be happy when 90% of the deaths are infantry related and the rest are a combination of air and ground vehicle related deaths.
I've used this harasser tactic on Ants and Sunderers, you drive up right beside/behind while they try to escape, freely shelling them the whole time, it feels pretty dirty and they should really fix it. The only weapon that can shoot down I think would be the Kobalt, which isn't mean't for harrassers but at least it's something.
I used to think this wasn't so bad. But no after going out of my way to abuse it this is totally ********. What possible argument could you have for making a vehicle defenseless? If I can see you in ant and I'm in a harraser you are dead. You have to hope for outside support or you are dead. Nothing will saving you apart from rough terrain and hoping to flip the enemy harasser. You already are screwed by almost exclusively being singled manned constantly, why is it nessisary for ants to be unable to even try to shoot back? You run for help or get a new ant.