Anti-material rifle is a significant nerf to TR MAXes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HAXTIME, Jun 12, 2015.

  1. Scr1nRusher

    Lockdown should be buffed.

    Both the deploy & undeploy times should be 1 second.

    And the AI weapons & Fractures should get bigger buffs.
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  2. Ronin Oni

    They're swapping lockdown times to 2 seconds to locki down, and 1 to uproot.

    Likely in direct response to this issue.

    It's also what I requested way back before they sped up the wrong damn action.
  3. Scr1nRusher

    Both directions should be 1 second.
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  4. Ronin Oni

    2 to lock down is fine.

    Have some foresight.

    Don't lock down in a firefight.

    I'd even make it 3 and 0.5 actually
  5. Scr1nRusher

    Its been tested & proven that for both 1 seconds is not only balanced, but works well.
  6. PostalDude

    Get used to it. Devs don't care about TR.
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  7. \m/SLAYER\m/

    less maxes - not a big deal
  8. asmodraxus

    At least the TR have a faction ability, now its just even more situational.

    Anyone know the situation for a limited time boost to your max's walking speed for a major reduction in health along with a meaningless increase in damage dealt (1 less bullet to kill a target with TWO guns, for a 0 decrease in ttk) is good for (other then shooting with deci's), then consider what the NS charge ability gives you...
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  9. AlterEgo

    Sums the game up VERY well.
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    That's only true for deploying. Mobilizing takes 2 seconds on live.

    I use lockdown very frequently in long-range AV combat. Most of the time it is straightforward to find a spot where almost only your head is sticking out. This is a prime target for AMR snipers.

    Thank you for understanding.

    Indeed it is not, but it is when a downside is emphasized in the meantime in a way that just hurts.
  14. AxiomInsanity87

    This really doesn't matters outside of 1-12 fights.

    I'm guessing you prefer rockets and c4 to the face then?. Me too.
  15. AxiomInsanity87

    I have no idea what you mean but you have my pity lol
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  16. lothbrook

    Just don't use lockdown, its not like the other maxes are basking the awesomness of their ES abilities, for every time the shield works out like its supposed to, theres 10 other times where you put it up and everyone and their brother just lobs C4 at you, or your guns don't work when you put it back down, or you didn't start the reload before the shield went up, or it just didn't stop that decimator that looked like it came directly at you, lol.
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  17. Stormsinger

    So it seems, the patch notes weren't very clear. Thanks for the info. Yeah, I wouldnt mind seeing undeploy speed buffed to match deploy speed.
  18. TheKhopesh

    IMO, the shield is pretty useless because it only covers your 12 o' clock.

    If it covered everything but your 6 o' clock, then it would be useful.
    (Like a tank's weak spot being behind it at the engine. You either brute force down the shield, or hit it from it's weak spot, just like taking down a tank. Hit the front armor, or try to circle around.
    And of course, the max would still be susceptible to attack from above.)
  19. Vargs

    I don't know if I've ever seen anybody use lockdown so this doesn't seem like much of a nerf. It's like if they made the AMR do 10x damage to ZOE MAXes. Yeah, that's ridiculous, but nobody uses ZOE so who cares. Equip charge like every single other MAX in this game who kows what they're doing.

    Seems the worst for NC raven MAXes, to be honest. They need to spend the most time exposed out in the open at long range, and can't move around too much while guiding their missiles. Maybe that'll help balance them.
  20. GhostAvatar

    Pretty much this. I have probably killed more snipers than vehicles with Ravens. And that's saying something considering the ease at which Ravens dispatch vehicles. So many people think they can just snipe Ravens MAXs down, that they have gotten used to avoiding and retaliating against them out of sheer annoyance. I cant see this doing much against Ravens. But nice sitting targets are just going to melt to the AMR.

    Lockdown is pretty much a joke at this point in the game, much like most of TR's long range AV.
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