ANT will be the death of PS2

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by user101, Jan 10, 2016.

  1. Scr1nRusher


    That is all.
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  2. zaspacer

    Even when I can run the graphics on higher quality setting, I typically choose not to. Instead I choose the best settings that will help me play the best. This is because the art was not done with gameplay as a core concern, and so while pretty, it often doesn't play well.

    If anything, the Art Team should be paired up with Designers/Players (or themselves taught to think like Designers/Players) and they could add a high end art option that was built for gameplay.

    We had this same problem with Vanguard. And it KILLED us over and over, and on Many levels. Artists (in general) are some of the *best* people to ever collaborate with or work alongside with on a project, but in areas where form and function overlap, most Artists (especially those with less awareness of the function) will follow their fixation on form and this left unchecked can wreck house on function.
  3. Goldmonk

    Actually, adding more content does more to keep a game alive than buffing the graphics does. It gives vets something new to toy around with and new players something to work towards. Just because a game has amazing graphics doesn't always mean it's a better game. Take Doom, Wolfenstein, and maybe even Half-Life. Graphics no where near our current gen, but I could still play those games for days upon days and never get bored.
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  4. Radko

    Oh please don't start this doomsday-thinking yet.

    The damn thing hasn't been in for a month and you people already start moaning. Appreciate the effort these guys took to make an attempt at refreshing gameplay and something new to explore (Especially for the many, many experienced players)

    I don't play PS2 for the graphics, why would you if the get a game where it's possible to play together with hundreds of people in a real-time FPS. You guys can really be an ungratefull bunch.
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  5. Kllre

    Either a troll thread or an incredibly stupid individual if he is seriously calling for graphical improvements like that is an important issue.
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  6. Moridin6

    The ANTS go marching one by one HUR-RA HUR-RA
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  7. metrotw

    I read that as "magic farts".
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  8. Pirbi

    I don't understand people who complain about a "lack of value to victory". It's a game. Nobody plays Monopoly because they will be handed a real wad of cash at the end. Yet Monopoly is still around. And similarly, no matter how many battles you fight and how many territories you take in this game, a statue will never be erected in your honor. As for the ANT, I dunno. I know I don't play the game to look at crystals and rocks though.
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  9. Radko

    Then simply... don't.

    It's an option ;)
  10. Pirbi

    No kidding. But what I mean is, a game that drew in people with it's FPS aspects won't likely hold them by adding PvE components.
  11. SpartanPsycho

    Looks like the demons have started from the Warp.
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  12. Radko

    Ah yes, I get your point now.

    True to that, but hey, perhaps it'll be a refreshing aspect we've not experienced yet. I'm open to changes as long as they do not harm the core component of the game. (And tbh, adding a turret tower or gigantic bomb somewhere won't really break it...)
  13. AxiomInsanity87

    You must be really sht a chess.
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  14. AxiomInsanity87

    It's evident that this game is not for everyone.

    Adding a construction system adds depth which is something to keep the vets happy and offer a higher level of play for those who want it.

    You're going to be thankful when someone builds a wall to prevent the inevitable meat grinders, or a bunker.
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  15. Scr1nRusher

    Well he does help run PHX so.......
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  16. Demigan

    right now those could be the key to improving the game.
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  17. Pirbi

    Haven't played it in years. Ded geam.
  18. Pirbi

    I only have 160+ days in the game only counting one character. Game must not be for me. I hope the construction system does bring some level of entertainment. I'm just skeptical that it will and that it won't just introduce more issues. I don't think the big draw of the game is farming rocks and constructing objects that can be skipped over easily. Massive first person shooter is the big draw. The ants and constructions might distract A2G esfs from hitting useful targets in order to rack up easy kills on the perimeters of bases. But I suspect it will just be more stuff on the screen that lowers FPS and degrades performance already suffering from randomly functioning med kits, hit reg, and legit players clipping through terrain .
  19. DarkJackal

    The ANT reminds me of Red Alert.
  20. Savadrin

    Speak for yourself bruh, I can has statue. Even a whole exhibit and movie, it's called Titanic. Only a matter of time until I'm in PS2 also.