Sure, although the timer does tend to vary on how long it takes me to get back to a resupply station/die. Don't take my initial flippant post seriously either, if the OP had actually made points without making stupid and incorrect statements then I probably would have replied with a much more serious post about how a better idea might be to replace the secondary weapon arm with a Siegebreaker Shield; a shield generator latched onto the MAX's forearm and when activated by holding down the R-Click creates a barrier that reduces damage from the front by 90% but cannot be used when charging or sprint(just like you can't with a secondary weapon) and would look something like below coloured with the faction specific energy shield. Unfortunately as the original post was written in a trollish manner there's only one way to respond so this'll have to go in the bin.
... you're kidding, right? What about all those other non-MAX player running around? Or, you could use your free AV weapon as well.
MAX Units should never be able to be suppressed by a few guys in cover firing with their standard Assault Rifles or SMGS.
So again , it is a bulletproof max tread . actually , it is a nonsense to talk about incorrect and stupid statement about what i expose on a bulletproof max , it already worked in ps1 and forced other "classes" to switch weapons to kill a max , or get ap bullets , plus , i dont really mind trolls , i am deadly serious about bulletproof maxes , i apologies if you have thinked about this a second , i am not a woman of that kind . The idea of gimping a max dps by a shield is a nonsense because you will then offer a larger target , and get half the crappy damage you already have . I admire those who want to fight with shields and sword but hey , here is a game for you : exsteel , ah wait the game is dead , so you want to reproduce it ? ah ah ... sorry for that ... back to subject : it is about bulletproof maxes , thanks for your input , theres already a siegebreaker discution . INDEED !
Ask any TR MAX user about how effective their AV weapons are. Based on your picture you play infiltrator. Why would you want MAXes to have 100% bullet damage reduction? Plus I figured people would get it without asking, every class besides infiltrators have explosive weapons. Why would I **** my infantry killing power in half or to near nothing (two AV) to be versitile in case a AI/AV or dual AV MAX walks around the corner? Basically, making this change throws MAX vs MAX fighting nearly out the window. Tell me how well you do against a NC MAX compared to another MAX fighting it. My point is, dont **** with the resistances. Increase them maybe, but dont make MAX compleley invunerable to bullets.
in fact , it will require two types of playstyle : one hybrid and one dual av to compete with other maxes while AI maxes will kill all but maxes . For scatmaxes , they will need to go hybrid instead of dual hacksaw . ( trading a 0.38 ttk for a 0.0 oneshot , wont hurt em ) For mercies ? they will need to rely on teamplay ( as u always ask people to do ) or go hybrid , for more dps but also more skill ( 2 shots from pounder ) I dont mention vs max because it is betwen the two playstyles ... bulletproof maxes are how they were before , and there wasnt so much tools to kill them , in ps2 , c4 , rockets and explosives of all flavor are so common that it is silly to think they wont die . ps: not to say your not a good player , i can see that you are a max addict ( as we are all in here )176 hours (you)for 34days(me), and we both use same classes ( exept that ive 1/4 support engy ) , but the gap is that you are 32 and i 62 , whats the matter ? do you need advices ? do you need to be aware of your surroundings ? ( forgot to say i have my own outfit that i sacrifice my kd for training maxes )) )
I mostly play heavy and I feel bad for maxes I just blow away at range with my lmg. Maxes should be immune or have 95% resistance to small arms fire.
Actually Wrex, I'd be fine with not being able to snipe MAXes. Means I have to spot them for friendly HAs and Engineers to take care of. More teamwork= more fun, in my opinion. Plus, Infils do have AP mines, which may or may not bypass the Small Arms resistance. But I also play MAX when I can (I seem to die rather quickly, but that's most likely because of lack of certs and experience), as well as Engineer and Medic. I do have to admit, I'd miss taking down Scatmaxxes and HackMaxxes and Splat Maxxes with my Pandora, were they bulletproof, but that'd just be that little extra incentive to actually buy AV mines or C4 finally.
Before I started being MAX heavy I had a K/D of .8 to give you idea. I am not the best player with a MAX but I am better than alot it seems. What I tend to die from isnt bullets, but explosives. Personally, I would rather see MAXes have a 50% resistance to explosives naturally or more health. I basically want it like this because if MAXes became immune to bullets, then I would have to change my play style. Plus, for some od reason, I just dont like the idea. Not to say I want my HA to kill MAXes better (I only really pull my HA when I need a vehicle.) it just rubs me the wrong way.
hehe , maxes are good for that k/d matters Anyway , maxes are already gigantic health buffer... if u add more , explosives will be gimped against maxes and bullets will remain of the same use Lets hope the upcoming changes wont affect too much your gameplay .. anyway it is meant to improve the class . every tryed planetside 1 ? youll see what a max really is
You can cert into better bullet resistance (despite what the cert line reads like, it actually reduces your incoming damage by up to 25% from bullets) or for flak resistance (allowing you to take up to 2 c4 blasts without dying!!!) Default MAXes absolutely do not need to be that strong. Those who specialize into MAXes can get the survivability you're asking for. What problem? Seriously, lrn2play, I only have a couple gun options (ie; no further certing) on my MAX and it wrecks. FFS
Ive all maxes options on nearly all my toons ( tr , vs , nc ) , it is not enought to say : "maxes are fine" , anyway it is not the subject . Bulletproof maxes for the win ! They were easy to take down on ps1 , they need to be brough back to that level to add serious gameplay , kill maxes with a machinegun is wrong exept if it is AP ammo , wich is not
NO, no they do NOT need to be bullet proof. FFS I can't imagine the hell that would cause. I can't believe you actually think that this would be balanced in any way shape or form. For crying out loud they already enjoy a 80% damage reduction, which can be boosted to 85% (which is how that seemingly insignificant 5% is actually a 25% reudction... you only take 20% bullet damage in the first place, and cutting it down to 15% is a reduction of 25% of the bullet damage you already take) This thread is absurd.
Still , they arent bulletproof , wich is only a main concern for classes that dont use AV weapons , or people that dont want to switch class to kill a max crash , those people just need to push one button to kill the max but are forced to be lazy concentrating fire on the max with smallarmsfire , wich is wrong .
your thread needs to be closed, and you start again actually taking the time to think before you type.. maybe you should just sitdown instead Max Costs 100 Resources The 1 C4 brick needed to Kill them costs 100 Resources Tank Mine 75 resources but has more risk proximity mines / grenades do nothing AV turret OK but AV turret doesnt 1 shot a max you should be able to take the user out in the 4.5 second reload time or run fast enough away to be not hit a second time. or maybe you shouldn't run around thinking you are in a Galaxy and nothing can hurt you.........
This would be a large step towards greater survivability for MAXes, but you'd have to consider how fast explosives would still kill them. Decimators would still 2shot, C4 would still 1shot. Is that really fair/necessary?