Another 40 meg patch

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Wobberjockey, Mar 28, 2013.

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  1. Wobberjockey

    you know what to do guys

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  2. RageMasterUK

  3. UnrealGaz

    :eek: is this how I do it?

    wait no 40meg patch for me
  4. tomahawk72

    :eek::eek: They never gave out patch notes for wednesday! :eek:
  5. PurpleOtter

    Sorry, I forgot, do I cry nerf the Phoenix or nerf the ScatMAX or "DOOOOM!" or post pictures of cute cats....

    Help me out here guys.
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  6. KAHR-Alpha

  7. Gamba

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  8. Teegeeack

  9. DeltaGun

  10. Badname82

    The Phoenix will now fire wire-guided Hacksaw Max suits at the enemy. This is now the only way to spawn NC Max suits.
    The lancer will receive a .0001 improvement to COF.
    Referencing Matt Higbys hair ingame will cause instant character death.
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  11. Cirevam

    Another patch? :eek:
    Mentions of shotgun "balancing"?

    IT BEGINS! :(
  12. Jaes

    Ninjas! :eek:
  13. Ash87

    Yeah they did...

    That was the one that increased the manuverability of the phoenix and ramped up it's speed. It also made it a OHK for ESFs.


    and: :eek:
  14. EliteEskimo

    Indeed I do good sir:eek:

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  15. RomulusX

  16. Ghosty11

    Double XP patch!:eek:
  17. Mythicrose12


    Data files in place for X2 weekend. Phoneix now has 700m range, explosive radius of 25m.
  18. DemoEvolved

  19. xNPCx

    Higby's Hair will now be an NC helmet
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  20. CEGrif

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