Annihilator is better than the Striker?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Alien51, Dec 19, 2013.

  1. axiom537

    It can be difficult to except contradictory arguments to your own, especially when someone points out where you are wrong. If you had a strong argument, a good counter argument or even understood my argument then you wouldn't need to resort to name calling.

    That being said the Striker is a very nice Lock-on launcher and it has some really nice Pro's and some Con's and IMO it seems to be finally balanced. Once you master how it works I think you will notice the subtle differences and advantages it has over the annihilator, in certain situations, not all. Unfortunately it is not as unique in function, as a weapon like the Phoenix, but as they say you can't have it all but at the same time it is no where near as situationally limited as the Phoenix. Thus what it lacks in uniqueness, it gains in versatility.
  2. Alien51

    I've had my share of debates on the internet.

    There comes a point when you realize there is no point in trying, because no matter what I say you will never change your mind.

    Let's look at some of the things you've said...

    Fire and Forget is ALWAYS superior.
    I've tested this as well in the VR. It takes the exact same amount of time to fire 1 Striker rocket as it does to fire 1 Annihilator rocket (when up close). Maybe if at max range you can get 2 rockets off, but I doubt it.
    We have 3 Factions all with unique weapons which the other Factions don't have anything comparable to. Lasher, Saron, Lancer, Phoenix, Enforcer, Airhammer, PPA, etc.... There is plenty reason why 1 Faction should have a superior weapon in some regard. But in this case the shared weapon is BETTER than what should be TR's superior weapon.

    All of this should be obvious.

    We're not talking about the Phoenix or the Lancer man.

    It's not 2x the dmg. It's 1000 vs 1600. But that 1600 is if all 5 rocket hit, which NEVER happens. Which is my point when using the 'Sundy sitting there alone.' The TTK is virtually identical in this fake scenario. So how would it compare during gameplay? It'd be worse.

    That is not all that needs to be said. Your post was ridiculous.
  3. Odin

    Learn to bait flares and realize the power of the striker. You can shoot one, bait flares and laugh because no other launcher has that flexibility. Remember annihilator and striker are suppose to be equal and for the first time in game they actually are.
  4. Alien51

    Why the **** do you say they're supposed to be equal?

    TR don't get something exactly the same as the Phoenix. NC don't get something exactly the same as the Lancer. But it's ok if both VS and NC get something exactly the same if not better than the Striker?

    You my man are an idiot.

    Also... Bait flares? Lol. That's not a tactic. That's you get lock, pilot flares and runs away. When someone flares they have 5 seconds of lock immunity. You can't lock them immediately after they flare.
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  5. SteamBoiler

    lol bait flares. If you fire one rocket and the flares get popped, you have enough time to reload and lock on again because of the 5 second lock immunity. It's not like you maintain lock after flares are popped, you have to relock on again which takes another 2.25 seconds after the 5 second immunity. Even the annihilator can fully reload at around the same time the flare lock on immunity is gone.

    Im sorry dude but there is no baiting flares, it doesn't work that way. And like the dude above said if they are equal, why the hell is it an ESRL?

    I still use the striker because shooting 5 rockets is fun and makes it feel unique but this weapon needs an entire rework.

    Phoenix is tons of fun to use
    Lancer is also fun to use
    Striker is just boring and frustrating at times.
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  6. ghostwalkn

    The number of men needed to destroy anything on the field is substantially reduced when there are enough strikers to take it down in one volley.

    Simply put, the striker makes AA and AV groups significantly more potent in smaller numbers. It's something like 3 strikers for every 5 lockons.

    I'm out of here
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  7. Odin

    The idea is that its suppose to be a sidegrade to the annihilator as all rocket launchers are to the default. So who is the stupid one?
    The devs have said that a million times. Certain weapons, phoenix etc give up shooting indoors for a 2 minute ttk on a tank lol but its definitely not hands down better that anything else. You have to live with trade offs now just like everyone else.
    Some weapons dumbfire and also lock some shoot both aircraft and soft targets and some don't, its all tradeoffs.
  8. Alien51

    Sidegrades fulfill different purposes.
    Annihilator and Striker fulfill the exact same purpose.

    Still you man.
  9. Poorform

    I don't think TR players understand how terrifying it is to have 5 missiles hit your vehicle in rapid succession.
  10. Jaedrik

    Striker: Laser guided (like the Raven and the original{?} before it) dumbfire. Not OP. Unique. Not OP because, well, are Ravens OP against infantry? Wouldn't the Striker have to get 4 (or more with the Flak+Nanoweave changes) direct hits? That's certainly hard to do.
  11. Hoki

    Can we change the striker to something different now? Literally anything different. Have it shoot grounder rounds or something.
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  12. axiom537

    This is not obvious because it has been only TR Empire Specific weapons that have been preforming better then the NS equivalents or other factions equivalent weapons...Maybe that is why you are having such a difficult time dealing with this change, because they are bringing some of these weapons in balance with what the other empires have available to them.

    None of those NC or VS weapons you listed above perform SUPERIOR, to their NS or other faction equivalents, they either perform equally well or have a unique function but that function is coupled with serious downsides, which makes most of them very situational.

    Did you seriously list the enforcer above as an NC ES weapon that performs better then its NS equivalents. You have the nerve to cry about the striker, then list the enforcer, an NC specific weapon, that has been utterly worthless since release, that has left the NC with no other choice but to use NS weapons for over a year, because those NS weapons are all SUPERIOR to it. While the TR get to run around with the Maurader, which is another ES TR weapon that is better then the NS equivalent Fury, which the NC need to use because our ES Enforcer is a POS.

    If the Annihilator in your opinion is better Striker, then you should use it. NC have plenty of ES weapons, that are surpassed by the NS equivalent weapons. You will get used to it, we have...
  13. Alien51

    The Lancer and Phoenix don't have any NS equivalents.

    I was talking about the AV Enforcer, not the shotgun; which is the Enforcer Modified.

    By your logic you'd rather have all NS weapons be better than the ES weapons? That's just not fun at all.
    I say we buff the NC weapons if they are under performing.

    But that's a post for another time. Now this thread is about how the Striker is under performing. About how it's not simply under performing, but how it has no unique function at all. This is a HUGE injustice to the TR.
  14. ElCreepo

    You mean the one that's essentially identical in function to the Halberd but worse than it in many situations?

    You mean the one that's essentially identical in function to the Annihilator but worse than it in many situations?
  15. Alien51

    Enforcer has better DPS if you land 9/10 shots (or so I'm told). You can do this if you're up close. If you're further away you can miss more and won't be penalized as hard.
    While both pretty much fulfill the same function, they do have strengths in areas different than the other.

    The Striker doesn't have any strengths when compared to the Annihilator.

    But like I was saying. This thread isn't about things that aren't the Striker or the Annihilator. While the Enforcer suffers the same fate as the Striker (albeit to a lesser degree), that doesn't justify the current balance of Striker vs Annihilator. And if you want to change that make another thread about it.

    Right now you're simply using a 'Red Herring' argument.
  16. ElCreepo

    I'm primarily pointing out that your INJUSTICE TO THE TR statement is unnecessarily dramatic, if not flat out insulting, and that other factions deal with the same thing. But continue putting the Striker on a pedestal if that's the game-breaker for you. You'll find little sympathy from VS or NC players concerning your demand that your ES weapons be superior to NS ones, when none of ours are.
  17. Fox Reinhold

    So you want your factional trait weapon to be superior to the NS alternative? Weird... I feel like we were having a discussion about some VS weaponry not long ago. And when that got nerfed into the ground everyone jumped up and down for joy.

    I said it before, and I'll say it again. If everyone doesn't stop crying nerf to every factional advantage, we're just going to wind up with art swaps of each others' weapons.
  18. MikeJackson

    since TR is all bout "power in numbers" and rate of fire (not really =[).. how about a dumbfire rocket launcher that has 2 rockets per magazine. balance it so that infantry don't get punished by it too hard, it should be more about getting maxes/vehicles.
  19. ChipMHazard

    I agree. I would much rather see something along the lines of the rocket launcher from the Unreal Tournament series. If not a completely different weapon entirely.
  20. Alien51

    Phoenix, Jackhammer, Lancer, Lasher...
    All unique and useful with no NS equivalents.

    Seems justified to me. NC and VS get unique weapons with decent dmg. TR get something that is worse than something everyone else can get. Basically meaning that TR don't even get an ES Launcher, while NC and VS do.

    Yes other factions do deal with this. But if you want to talk about those balance issues start another thread.

    You'll also find I have little respect for your thinking capacity and won't respond to your ill conceived thoughts on game balance any longer.