And the OP Faction is *drum roll* ....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HadesR, Apr 6, 2013.

  1. HadesR

  2. Gavyne

  3. Sledgecrushr

  4. GamingForFun

    every faction is loosing active players in the last couple of weeks and months, but now big numbers count more cause we dont have a lot of players on several servers and some people are crying cause they think other factions are imbalanced.
    guess right now its pretty balanced between the factions, numberwise it sucks for the vanu , but tr shouldnt whine. guess it was too easy for the tr in the past thats why they feel robbed even if its balanced.
    on my server tr has more active players and still cry on this forum acting like they have less people than the vanu. somehow its funny^^.
    anyway. we need more players , otherwise people wont stop crying for nerfs. pathetic:(

    NC TR VS NC% TR% VS%
    2013-02-28 414934 146739 137176 131019 35.36 33.06 31.58
    . 2013-03-01 409148 144620 135265 129263 35.35 33.06 31.59
    . 2013-03-02 412943 145951 136333 130659 35.34 33.01 31.64
    . 2013-03-03 410649 145127 135519 130003 35.34 33.00 31.66
    . 2013-03-04 394662 139805 130407 124450 35.42 33.04 31.53
    . 2013-03-05 380948 135031 126034 119883 35.45 33.08 31.47
    . 2013-03-06 373739 132493 123739 117507 35.45 33.11 31.44
    . 2013-03-07 367798 130272 121866 115660 35.42 33.13 31.45
    . 2013-03-08 363006 128504 120371 114131 35.40 33.16 31.44
    . 2013-03-09 362300 128359 120049 113892 35.43 33.14 31.44
    . 2013-03-10 336501 119046 111443 106012 35.38 33.12 31.50
    . 2013-03-11 338221 119773 112122 106326 35.41 33.15 31.44
    . 2013-03-12 322292 114350 106913 101029 35.48 33.17 31.35
    . 2013-03-13 310988 110280 102990 97718 35.46 33.12 31.42
    . 2013-03-14 296289 104873 98078 93338 35.40 33.10 31.50
    . 2013-03-15 286938 101577 94988 90373 35.40 33.10 31.50
    . 2013-03-16 288202 102289 95157 90756 35.49 33.02 31.49
    . 2013-03-17 287427 102330 94469 90628 35.60 32.87 31.53
    . 2013-03-18 275119 98196 90421 86502 35.69 32.87 31.44
    . 2013-03-19 262107 93871 86275 81961 35.81 32.92 31.27
    . 2013-03-20 252978 90848 83285 78845 35.91 32.92 31.17
    . 2013-03-21 243181 87566 79949 75666 36.01 32.88 31.12
    . 2013-03-22 249765 90045 81672 78048 36.05 32.70 31.25
    . 2013-03-23 254113 91757 82711 79645 36.11 32.55 31.34
    . 2013-03-24 222092 80414 72777 68901 36.21 32.77 31.02
  5. HadesR

    Very true .. If you our outnumbered 3 to 1 then ofc the other faction is going to seem OP .. But you don't nerf the weapons so you can kill 3 people per death , you give incentives etc to increase the population of the lowest faction's
  6. Peter Daniel

    This is a "don´t nerf NC" discussion. And I agree.
    They should put the other empires as they were before the nerfs, not nerf the NC.

    The game was balanced before. Now cleary it is not.

    When NC as nobody to play against and the game dies you will see.
  7. GamingForFun

    nc is winning on some servers because of numbers , not because they re imbalanced in terms of weapons etc. otherwise stats would be different.
    anyway. people wont stop crying and im sure devs have all the stats and know that there is no reason to buff or nerf any faction. ps2 needs more players on vs and then its fine.
  8. Rycon

    You guys are all idiots!

    Does this factor in Faction Bonus EXP? I bet it does. Since TR is the lowest faction on a lot of servers, this would bump the score per hour.
  9. Liquid23

    of course you are correct in not nerfing/buffing faction weapons based on population but incentivising playing on the lower pop faction only works to a point... if the incentive is to much or even slightly to attractive than all you do it create a bigger problem as the great 4th faction hops back and forth trying to keep on the lower pop side... you still end up with the population as imbalanced or more imbalanced than now almost all the time... the only difference would be that which faction has more or less than the others will change more frequently
  10. TintaBux

    MAX:              NC > TR = VS
    Engineer:        TR > VS > NC
    Medic:            TR > VS > NC
    Light Assault:    TR > VS = NC
    Heavy Assault:    TR > NC > VS
    Infiltrator:      TR > NC > VS
    MBT:              TR > VS > NC
    ESF:              VS = TR > NC
  11. that_darn_lurker

    The VS ESF advantage might be worth something if ESFs in general weren't flying coffins for all but the upper crust of ESF pilots.

    SPOILER: VS ESF has no advantage over TR
  12. Kracken

    So the NC come in last 5 of eight times while the TR come in first 6 of 8 and thats ok..... Hi BCP!

    • Up x 2
  13. drNovikov

    Overpowered and whining!
  14. Laraso

    Is that in reference to the NC Rebel? I've mentioned that I thought it was like the Halo CE pistol in a way, being a 2 shot kill to the head and all.
  15. shd

    The only relevant data here is that they lost over half the playerbase in the last 2 month and the trend seems to be continuing.
    • Up x 2
  16. DashRendar

    wrong wrong wrong. NC are overpowered now. They can kill things.
  17. DramaticExit

    Now put together the same graph for EU servers only.

    Then the same graph for US servers only.
  18. Kracken

  19. omegaflarex

    You people are sick with BF3 syndrome. Everything isn't created equal.
    • Up x 1
  20. Marinealver

    With some of the weapons that are in the game the factions nearly are.

    NC tends to have the most powerful MAX, make sense. To be honest I wouldn't like it any other way. (but would like some doors or MAX obsticals to keep the MAX and softie balance a little better.)
    TR tends to win more on the other infantry categories and on the Tank as well.
    The VS wins in the air.