And the OP Faction is *drum roll* ....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HadesR, Apr 6, 2013.

  1. EliteEskimo

    Only because the stock Vanguard is garbage but with Racer 3, Uber Shield Maxed, AP or HEAT, and with AV Enforcer it is arguably the best MBT for tankvtank and the only tank that cannot always be killed by lolpods to the rear. It also has a lower score because it isn't good against infantry. In a good tankers hands it is arguable the best tank, in a bad tankers/zergers hands it's downright the worst tank. Considering the NC also has most of the 4th Faction these MBT stats should really come as no surprise.
  2. NoctD

    The MAX - non faction specific. The MAX just makes all other classes look like a joke.
  3. Vultraz

    0/10 no effort
  4. TheUprising

    It would be one thing if sometimes different factions had the highest score in each category, but TR came out on top on every single one of them...

    Other than the MAX, which has been dealt with by the TR nerf squad.
  5. Plunkies

    What are you basing that on? A lot of the data is from pre-patch. You can't really tell anything from this.
  6. EliteEskimo

    It was data combined from the 1st to the 6th. The NC Max nerf was on the 3rd at 3:12 AM, so if the NC Max was really broken its stats would've had a huge drop off.
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  7. ReconTeemo

    Let's see, these numbers/pop - NC would be op in that category. However, in terms of quality over quantity, then TR>NC.
  8. Dubious

    The problem with vanguard is that... it sucks

    Certing for speed dosent fix the problem, handling
    Prowler drives much faster uncerted AND has far better handling uncerted

    Only 2 good things with Vanguard is the power it can dish out and the low profile
  9. Jezs

    2 bad things and 2 good things? Must be underpowered
  10. Dubious

    Must be, since I got a fully certed Mag and Prowler, but Vanguard.. can't be arsed
  11. Paperlamp

    I don't see one overpowered faction but I do see imbalances.

    ESF balance is the most obviously off with Scythe > Mosquito > Reaver

    Vanguard being the lowest scoring tank absolutely does not surprise me nor does the Magrider being top in spite of VS freaking out about the nerfs - it is still the easiest tank to maneuver and aim.

    NC MAX being top surprises probably almost no one other than overly defensive NCs.

    TR being top for infantry was also no surprise, 40 clip size on carbines and ARs is a huge advantage as is their higher RoF for default guns and underbarrel variants. It did surprise me to see them on top for heavy assault though as I thought either the Pulsar LSW or the EM6 or SAW would put NC or VS above us. Then again, the launcher situation could also be coming into play, or the Carv is the best default though I'd have thought it'd be the Orion - supposedly the SAW is terrible until you get attachments and experience with it.
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  12. almagester

    I've calculated the average score per hour per unit of population. Here are the results:

    NC : 3.34
    TR : 4.37
    VS : 3.75

    NC : .34
    TR : .39
    VS : .39

    NC : .73
    TR : .86
    VS : .96

    Light Assault
    NC : .44
    TR : .57
    VS : .49

    Heavy Assault
    NC : .3
    TR : .34
    VS : .36

    NC : .31
    TR : .43
    VS : .39

    NC : 2.85
    TR : 3.5
    VS : 3.78

    NC : 3.91
    TR : 4.25
    VS : 5.05

    It's important to recognize that lower numbers DONOT INTRINSICALLY MEAN UNDER POWERED and higher numbers DO NOT INTRINSICALLY MEAN OVER POWERED. This is purely a metric of efficiency for the average faction player, and shows only how efficient a faction is in general. These results are not surprising, given the population differences: NC players have fewer enemies to slay for XP while Vanu players have a great cornucopia of XP from which they may harvest.
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  13. RHINO_Mk.II

    I'm seeing TR has top score per hour in 5 of the 7 categories, and is 2nd place in the other 2 categories. If things were actually balanced, one would expect to see top in 2 categories, middle in 2 categories, and last in at least 2 categories.
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  14. Sebyos

    So TR has best score per hour in everything except ESFs and Max and this is balanced ?
  15. ColdCheezePizza

    Having split close to 800 hours between NC/TR as HA/LA and 50 with the Orion/Pulsar, this is a pretty spot on evaluation IMO
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  16. Tenhi

    TR Infantry weapons are op!
    TR MBT is op!
    NC MAX is (still) op!
    VS ESF is op!


    What I find intresting is the fact that NC and VS Infantry weapons are fairly close. Seems like the NC weapons are pretty good compared to the VS weapons after the flinche fix.

    NC MAX isnt as "broken/nerfed" as people claim it to be. Its still better than the other 2 MAXs...

    MBTs... well Prowler still farms Infantry to easy. Vanguard needs a buff for its handling. Its just not fun driving that brick around when its stock. The armor and weapon are fine... its just not fun enough because it handles bad. If they buff the handling more people will stick to it and cert it = better score.

    I'm not really a pilot but Scythe and Mossy seem fairly close (with the Scythe ahead... thought it would be the Mossy :O). The Reaver seems lacking... maybe "shrink" it a little bit so that the hitbox is a little bit smaller?
  17. Zsigmon

    Dumb question; So this was compiled using data from characters that had at least 1 hour of playtime on a class? Is this from one server? If so which one? Also, this means that their could be duplicate results and omitted results. Granted this is probably a good taking of data anyways and I find it intriguing, I would still like to know. Also, the percentages don't add up to 100. Example would be Vanu total about 80.3%. Even factoring in the other 2855 from vehicles, this would not get to a 100%. I speculate that this means that roughly 20% of the VS population did not remain as any one class for more than an hour at any given time during this period. However, that doesn't address the problem of the data being taken from those who had played for an hour. The other two empires are also similar in this respect. Is the percentage shown not representative of the sample size?
  18. DashRendar

    You've got it backwards. The more people you have adding up to the same score, the weaker those individuals are. Take it for what it's worth.
  19. Ripster

    What we've got instead is that the NC is last in everything but MAX, infiltrator, and heavy. And it's second in infiltrator and heavy.
  20. Malsvir Vishe

    You got it all wrong, guys. The OP faction is Nanite Systems. Damn Lightnings, Liberators, Galaxies, Sundies, Flashes, and NS weapons.
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