Anchor vs EM6

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by minhalexus, Jun 7, 2014.

  1. BeyondNInja

    Both have the same initial accuracy and bloom per shot (and over time due to identical ROF).
    If you prefer directional recoil then I'd reccomend the Anchor as long as you can cope without the 2x reflex sight.
  2. Littleman

    Personally, I prefer the Anchor to the EM6. In my experience, medium to long range engagements are hit and miss whether or not I'll put someone down before they get into cover, and vice versa. In CQC, it's kill or be killed, I can't trust shoddy hit detection and the other guy to be a poor shot to save me while I run for cover, I need to be able to engage the enemy immediately and maintain the advantage of movement, just in case they're a poor shot competing with poor hit detection.

    If I were to use any other weapon, it would be the Saw -S or EM1 with extended magazines for some continuous, really accurate ADS fire. Whenever I'm in the mood, I'll use the NS-15m though. It does everything well, except killing fast.
  3. KnightCole

    Holy crap what happened to the EM6? It is noticeably less accurate then I remember it. Its CoF bloom is a fair bit higher as well and it's strafing accuracy is down to.
    • Up x 1
  4. GerryAtric

    When did you first notice it, and when was the last time you used it? That's what I've been saying for a while now.
  5. KnightCole

    I first noticed it coming back to this game like 3 days ago after taking a several month break from it....I used it yesterday. Before that I know they nerfed it's recoil reduction, FSM and various other LMG related things, but it seems more has been ninja nerfed since then.

    Its pretty bad in the Cof dept and recoil and stuff now. It cannot even land 2-3 round bursts from the AMP Station spawn room into the vehicle bay anymore...
  6. Bankrotas

    I'd say you need had too pink glasses on it. All it had was 1%, I think, recoil recovery amount reduced. Well I suggest working with Anchor, it is second best performing LMG last month :)
  7. KnightCole

    It was 1 point in recoil reduction, I know that much.
  8. Bankrotas

    1 point is 1% of CoF recoil recovery, which might be important enough.
  9. KnightCole

    Well, all I know, is even with really short bursts the EM6 is noticeably less accurate and Cof bloom is almost instant now.