Analysis On Which NC Gun Is Better For LAs

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by Craig1287, Feb 23, 2013.

  1. Craig1287

    AV-4 Cyclone versus the Blitz GD-10 versus the GD-7F

    Which gun is the better pick for a close range LA? This video looks at the three weapons to see which gun is the best choice. Stats are nice to have but they can only mean so much. This video discusses how the guns handle in practice for ADS and hip-fire.

  2. Badname0192

    I love the GD-7 F and the Mercenary.

    I can tell you the GD-7 is more like the TR weaponry I enjoy in both functionality and damage. Add the advanced laser sight, stack bodies.

    Tried out both SMG's and liked them both, probably if I ever bother with it, will get the most recent as 50 rounds and an advanced laser sight means beastly on all levels of CQC.
    Remember, your shotguns can level bodies pretty quick.

    I'm sticking with the GD-7f for now.

    Good luck out there.
  3. Craig1287

    It is still a fantastic gun for sure, and it has much more versatility that do both the SMGs.
  4. TooIndecisive

    For NC, while the GD-7F and the SMGs are probably superior, I just can't get over the NC-y feel of the AC-X11. It's all I use on my NC alt any more. With laser sight and sometimes a suppressor, it does solid close-quarters damage from the hip, at least for me.
  5. Kulantan

    I suggest not listening to anyone who tells you to use the AC-X11 in close. Even the Merc with a laser is better.

    I'd suggest the GD-7F to anyone who plays LA and engy most of the time. The SMGs however are better if you play other classes primarily as they are universally usable and very nice in close. For instance the Blitz has the same ammo capacity and more DPS than the Anchor LMG (the trade-off is lower damage per clip and much worse performance at range).
  6. Badname0192

    Granted I don't use it, but some I know who do use it for marksmanship and do really really well.
  7. Craig1287

    I'm going to give the AC-X11 another try with the new flinch mechanic taking into account the damage of the bullets hitting the player. I did a review of the AC-X11 and gave it some good points. If can struggle in close range, but again, with these new flinch mechanics, it might be much better.
  8. Ghoest

    I had a good time today using the AC-X11. And before that i had more fun than you would expect using a Piston with slugs.
    The change is good.
  9. Messaiga

    Well, this helped me a lot. I was thinking of making a thread to ask which one of these would be better for my LA, cause I am currently saving up certs for 1 of the 3. Now I am definite that I want the Blitz because I don't have to worry about ammo capacity, or missing a shot. Ty for video dude, helps me a ton.
  10. Craig1287

    Glad to have helped you out. Remember though, the GD-7F is still the most versatile weapon in terms of effective ranges. The Blitz is simply fantastic in close range and versus multiple opponents, but the GD-7F will win you more 1vs1 fights as well as medium range fights. Good luck on your choice and I hope you become equipped to defeat the enemies of the NC.
  11. LIFTER

    I use the GD-7F and the Razor, even for long range in single shot mode and the Lacti 3.4 scope (with the red dot) on both of them, they take them down and even scare the max's into cover - just wish they had a 40 shot mag.
    Tried out the Blitz and the Cyclone, love them both with the Blitz and its 50 shot mag the winner because of that factor - but you need the extra ammo pouches cause you find yourself MT otherwise.

    Havent watched the Vid as yet as they dont want to play since that last update.
  12. Messaiga

    I am aware that the GD-7F is more versatile, as I have used it before on my brother's account. He has almost nothing unlocked for LA, but he had alpha squad so he got the GD-7F for free and I was just seeing how well it worked. When certed with double laser this thing is a beast, but I think I like the 50 round mag on the blitz better than having a bit longer range and lower TTK on the GD-7F.
  13. Craig1287

    A good choice. I can typically only take on 2 people with the GD-7F at close range before running dry. Blitz is a great choice, you'll love it once you get it all certed out.
  14. Achmed20

    still like the Cyclone more. the spray and pray mentality doesnt fit me.
    other then that, i wont take a SMG for a LAs any way. its not flexiable enough.
  15. Craig1287

    I actually don't do all that much spray n pray with the blitz. It is a very accurate gun and ADSing with it feels natural as well.
  16. Messaiga

    Yeah I am not really a spray and pray guy either, because most of the time on my LA I am either indoors or just sneaking up on people. When there are multiple people I can just hipfire at each one of them without my mag running dry because they won't realize anything until it is too late. If I am not using my LA I am probably on my medic, my heavy, or using a vehicle. Most of the time, I just go LA, cause it is my favorite class. Also, I only got 50 more certs and I get my SMG. :D
  17. Benton!

    SMG's are great because of their hipfire. Your first 200 certs should be in the advanced laser sight. The time it takes to ADS, you can already fire a couple hipfire rounds and that could be the difference. I only need 9 more certs to get the advanced laser sight, but the first tier is already really good, I can hipfire at people 20m away no problem. It really suits a fast twitch style though.
  18. Craig1287

    Indeed. For the Blitz, the advanced laser sight should be your first goal. It's got decent iron sights so those 30 certs can wait.
  19. Messaiga

    Well, I got my SMG now, and it is pretty powerful. Most of the time if I can sneak up on 2 or more people within my range I can take down 2 before dieing. If I am really sneaky I can get 4+ kills in a single life. Most of the time when I was dieing with it, anybody who had killed me I usually took down with me because some bullets had not yet reached the target. Overall, it is extremely powerful and I recommend it for a CQC Heavy Assault, that sneaky Light Assault, or an Infiltrator looking for a full auto weapon. (Full auto Scout Rifle does not count, it is nowhere near as good.) I kinda want an SC refund for my Auto Scout Rifle now that SMG's make it worthless to me, but that probably won't happen.
  20. Craig1287

    I only trialed the auto scout rifle once and from that, I could tell it wasn't very good. The SMGs are a great addition for the close range infiltrator. I mutual quite often as well with the person shooting at me. Kind of a bummer.