An intro movie manuscript to improve the new player experience.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by K2k4, Oct 10, 2015.

  1. K2k4

    I decided to create an intro example to share here on the forums. Please note that some of the factual data will be inaccurate, but the idea is to create an interesting intro without adding much that isn’t already in the engine.
    [new player opens planetside2 from the launcher for the first time]

    [intro movie begins]

    : image : Auraxis from space, multiple continents visible, pans right, displaying the TR/humanity’s command ship orbiting the planet.

    : pause 3 seconds, then narration : “The year was 2550. Earth’s overpopulation reached critical levels. In a desperate attempt to save humanity from extinction, earth probed a wormhole in an attempt to find a habitable world. They found just what they needed, Auraxis.”

    : fade screen to image of the different continents from high up, bases and biolabs visible below. : “A huge fleet of earth ships from the Terran Republic entered the wormhole. Many of these ships were designed to plant themselves in the planets soil, to harvest resources from deep within and power a new civilization. These ships are scattered across the landscape of Auraxis.

    : biolab interior pan : “Biolabs which studied the flora of the planet.”

    : amp station pan : “Amp stations to supply power to the surrounding ships “

    : Tech plant pan : “And tech plants which allowed development of new technologies to further advance the species.”.

    : image of a TR soldier spawning, then walking out of the tube, then walking to an equipment terminal and spawning a tank “alien technology was found which allowed people to create things purely out of energy. This technology was called ‘nanites’.

    : image of a vanu soldier : “A cult formed surrounding this technology. They called themselves the Vanu, and they believed that humanity could evolve using the alien technology.”

    : image of a human in a type of pod, many wires and plugs connected to him : “Humanity found that by living through a nanite constructed avatar, they could preserve their bodies indefinitely. Even if the nanite avatar dies, the human lives on, safe aboard the mothership. ”

    : image of the planet again : “The wormhole suddenly collapsed only 5 years into the efforts on Auraxis. Earth could no longer be contacted. _____ the leader of the Terran Republic declared martial law to maintain order.”

    : image of a battle : “Years passed under the martial law. A group of freedom fighters with corporate interests known as the New Conglomerate turned to violence, and a great war began.”

    : image of the Vanu boarding galaxies at a warpgate : “The Vanu cult had grown too, and eagerly joined the war, declaring that their great leader Papa Vanu would raise the race to great heights.

    : Image of the tube with the man covered in plugs again : “Unable to avoid the war, each citizen was forced to choose their side within the conflict. ”

    : different angle of planet, camera panning from the bright side to the back, eventually turning into the planetside2 logo : “This war has been raging for almost 500 years now. The year is 3048, and the conflict continues, on Auraxis, you choose your battle.”

    : Planetside logo fades, then the character selection screen comes up.:
  2. TacoMasters(PS4)