[Suggestion] An Idea to make the Spur useful

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Macho, Jun 23, 2014.

  1. Macho

    Okay... so the spur, in theory, was a good idea. But flying takes two hands and with the control interface, you can't fly if you are trying to aim and shoot. No pilot is going to give up control of the airplane to shoot a gun with the effectiveness of the spur. That being said, you can't make the spur too effective or it'll become OP.

    So what's the answer to a swivel gun on the front of the plane?

    Give the option for the rear gunner to control it:
    1. 3rd gunner can switch back and forth between the rear and front guns. Obviously, only 2 guns on the Lib would be usable at any time. The pilot never gets control of the spur.
    2. If that's too much, drop the back gun and let the 3rd gunner control the front gun (the tail gun is locked out if spur is equipped... just like primary weapon with stalker cloak). Maybe give the spur a bit of AoE for some effectiveness against infantry in this instance.

    I think option 1 actually works better. The spur is not AoE (that's what the rear gun option should take care of if AoE is desired) so it won't eat infantry and it's damage output is moderate requiring sustained fire for any effect on armor. Plus, as the gunner switches, so does the role of the Lib. While it is the more versatile option, the gunner has to choose which role the Lib is playing as it can't play all roles at once.

    Rapidly switching between two moderate DPS guns has little effect as they both require time on target to be create high damage #s. Think of it this way... a gunner on a sundy can use one at a time... I don't think anyone feels that their damage output is OP.

    Also, the guns serve different purposes and manning one means forgoing the benefits of the other. Allowing the 3rd gunner to control 2 different weapons would give the Lib a bit more versatility, but not in excess. If you took the 3rd gun away, it's probably be necessary to make the spur more rounded... which takes the Lib in a jack-of-all-trades direction (less desirable). Option 1 forces the crew to make choices about their role.

    I would seriously consider forgoing my rear gun if someone else could control the spur. While the TB has its upsides, with the resistance reverts, I might be willing to give it up for the option of letting my rear gunner control my front gun so that we don't have to dive so hard on targets.

    Not having to dive in for a TB run, full control of the Lib, and a free look forward gun might give the Lib the staying time and accuracy it needs for a non-burst forward gun.

    Finally, it would usher in a completely new style of flying for the Lib... which could be fun to see.

  2. Klaatu

    Well.. I think removing the cockpit clutter and use a mounted camera while RMB is down is a good start. I can only seem to shoot from the sides reliably at ground targets.