I started a new char,and my starting choice was HA,so maximizing shields,and putting secondary shields recharge up,i have few certs to spend in a weapon,but dunno which one. AMR-66 is semiauto and i think i land shots in medium distance,and MSW-R is a light machine gun,but only 50 bullets per recharge... AMR-66 seems to be the way...
MSW-R definitely. The amr 66 is, like others battle rifle, lack luster. Save for advanced laser sight and soft point ammo (300 certs) for the msw r.
The guns are EXTREMELY different. The MSW-R is the close-range of the LMGs, and is much like an SMG. AMR-66 is a battle rifle, which means it has high accuracy, but very low DPS, and it bad in close quarters. These guns are generally gotten later in the game, when you've had some experience with the game, and what you enjoy doing. For now, stick with the starter weapon, the T9 Carv, it works wonders, and is the favoured weapon of players in the high battle ranks. If you find the recoil too much to handle, as it very well might when starting out, go with the Rhino or the Bull. Both are extremely accurate, although they suffer from lower DPS, but are more beginner friendly.
Personally, I find MSW-R more useful simply because the vast majority of engagements happen within its effective range. Sure, if you like AMR-66, get it, but it is a much more niche weapon, in my opinion.
The battle rifles are all mediocre , especially since the cert price increase (250 -> 325). The MSW-R is definitely the best option to go for, if you're going for a weapon, however, it isn't necessarily a big upgrade on the CARV, especially since the CARV's horizontal recoil buffs. Remember you will probably also want: Medkits x3 (and depending on playstyle 2xC4) Flak Armour 4, for those zergy grenade fests fights or when vehicles are in play. I think you said you certed ASC, which is a matter of taste (a lot of players prefer NW, but that does nothing for HS), but there are situations where Flak helps so much. Concussion grenade, it may have been nerfed, but it is still powerful (AV grenade is really nice on MAXes when it works, but it seems a bit fiddly to stick sometimes). If you're going for the MSW-R mostly because you want to win more 1v1 fights, consider also pairing that with Nanoweave armour, which helps a lot against most players. That said, it is expected that next month there will be several significant changes to LMGs. There are a few significant changes on PTS, but these are not concrete changes and may change prior to release. https://www.reddit.com/r/Planetside/comments/37njed/lmg_changes_coming_to_pts/
DO NOT get the AMR-66 as a new player. As far as primary weapons go, Battle Rifles have one of the higher skill floors in the game, and the vast majority of players - even many vets - have trouble using them. They are accurate at medium/long range, but they're very unforgiving of missed shots due to their low DPS and many people have issues maintain the weapons' accuracy at high ROF. Also, before you spend certs on a new LMG, is there something you don't like about the CARV? Its a pretty solid weapon for short/medium range. And as good as the MSW-R is, for the average player there really isn't that much difference between it and the CARV. So perhaps a different LMG might suit you better? Please let us know if there is something you don't like about the CARV or if there's something specific you're looking for in an LMG so we can make a good recommendation for you. In the meantime, I second Mongy's suggestion to cert up on medkits ASAP for better sustainability out in the field. I also strongly recommend you spend 10 certs to get Level 1 Resist Shield so you can try it out. It's a really cheap investment, and even Level1 will give you Resist's full protection (higher levels only make the Resist Shield lastl longer) so you'll get a good idea of how it works and differs from the default NMG HA Shield. It also synergizes really well with the Advanced Shield Capacitor Suit item (which it sounds like you've certed).
Well,tomorrow i can buy a new weapon with real money,and ive put an eye to T16 Rhino,with x4 scope,silencer and more capacity of clip,this means 200 bullets per clip. So,as a new char i have certs for the resist shield and advanced shield capacitor as well as medkits. What do u think about this combo???
The other option that im going to buy if not Rhino,was the T7 mini chain gun. With the better "starting to vomit bullets earlyer" seems that its perfect for me from close to medium distances (tested in VR room). But the T7 MCG costs 699 cash either T16 Rhino costs 499. For all i want with that 1000 cash money,T7 MCG its ideal because the weapon costs 699 cash money,the "starting to vomit bullets earlyer" costs 75,and the skin that i want costs 99 either the Spanish banner in shoulder costs 99 too. Making counts,this cost in total: 972 cash moneys. I have actually 32 cash moneys paired with 28 that left from the build of the minigun,accessorie,skin and banner,i have left in total: 60 cash moneys. I put this moneys left guarded for maybe future builds. But this new char i want to focus on TR heavy assault,seems that i prefer than infiltrator (i like it when i tested in battlefield with the default shotgun,i killed 3 guys in a room in a seconds) And with the combo of T7 Mini Chain Gun and shoot bullets early accessory i thing im going to be deathly,but i dont suppose that things before test the weapon in battlefield,when the enemyes move and shoot,not as VR room. And the skin and banner was for not apparent noob and for do the enemyes know from where im The resist sheild,advanced shield capacitor and med kits can be bought with the 1500 certs at BR 15,or at least mejor part of they. This combo for a start in Terran side its not bad,what do u think??? PD: Maybe u seen me in infiltrator subforum posting things about stalkers...just forgot,heavy assault its my way now. And im very happy with it.
If you haven't already spent the dosh, why not have a look at the T32 Bull? The Rhino is a pretty versatile weapon although I'd recommend the advanced foregrip rather than extra ammo. On the other hand, the Bull has the same stats as the Rhino except for it has higher (better) bullet velocity. If you get the grip and the compensator it is crazy accurate for an LMG and is my much-preferred all purpose HA primary. It has one less reload than the Rhino (and other LMGs) but I've never found that to be a problem
No doubt: msw-r is basically the tr version of the Orion while the amr-66 is a battle rifle. Which means high recoil low damage and steep learning curve: it's probably one of the hardest weapons to master in the game and it's pretty underperforming (lowest kpu and kph among all primary weapons). Stay away from battle rifles until they get some love.
The Rhino is a good long range LMG for TR and would be a good compliment to the CARV since it's made for a different combat range and style of combat.. But like Eternaloptimist said, I'd go with the foregrip rather than extended mags since with the Rhino you'll want to maximize its accuracy. Plus, if you want to throw lots of bullets at your enemies you already have the CARV for that. The T7 MCG is also a good comm;iment to the CARV, but in a different way. the MCG is made for hipfiring, whereas you basically have to aim down the sights (ADS) with the CARV if you want to have a chance in hell of hitting anything. So although the two weapons cover similar combat ranges, their playstyle is very different. And yeah, if you get the MCG you'll want to get the BRRT attachment.
Just stick with the T9-Carv, it's one of the better LMG's to start with. Personally, i'd start as an Engineer or Medic for a new character, you will gain more Certs than any other class. Use those 2 classes to build on the other 4. Engineer and Medic get ALOT of Certs. And, avoid the AMR-66, Battle Rifles are hard to use if you don't know how to use them.
As a lot of people have said, and I will now say (most likely too late), don't get the Extended Mags, get Adv. Forward Grip. That thing almost completely removes all horizontal recoil from the gun. If you pick the Rhino, you pick it so that you can be accurate, instead of having the Carv's DPS. With 100 bullets at 652 RPM, you really don't need any more bullets, seriously. The Adv. Forward Grip is magical, take it. If you already have taken the Extended Mags, cert up for the foregrip. You won't regret it, trust me. Trust everyone else as well.
i play NC mostly but the battle rifle is crap. i have a TR alt that i play occasionally and the carv will do ya right man
Re the OP, if i had to start again, for all classes id invest in that class before weapons. Except TR HA. For TR HA the carv is going to get you killed a lot or fedup pretty quick. First thing any TR HA should do is pickup the MSWR, it swaps mag size for the ability to actually hit the thing your pointing at. unless that is you enjoy throwing lots of lead in random directions. The carv is so full of fail its painful. Compared to the saw and orion which are amongst the best guns in the game its truley shocking. I despise having to use it. Even the woeful tmg50 is better 90% of the time (and atleast the tmg50 is fun to use, even if its poo)
If you want great CQC capabilities and even some good accuracy that can give you the option to even fight at long range, pick the MSW-R, you are going to love it. It's basically a copy-pasted Orion with Adv. laser sight and Soft Point Ammo. If you often let your gun settle after a shot or two and like high damage/semi-auto weapons then pick AMR-66, It has a steep learning curve and a high skill floor, but if you adapt to it you can turn it into an all-range beast. The Rhino is good if you like to ADS a lot and get the Adv. Forward Grip for it, the accuracy with it is insane, and if it has a Compensator, pick it up, you won't regret it. I'd recommend the MSW-R, simply because you will get more out of it and it is a more enjoyable gun to use. And honestly if you picked any of them you didn't make a wrong choice, because T9 CARV's recoil and CoF is so bad that you can't hit 75% of your bullets outside of 20m.
Well,after a few days playing as Vanu stalker,finally i made again the TR HA with the Mini Chain Gun,and about shields im going to put the damage reducer shields (from 30% to 40% damage reducer shields) and the advanced shield capacitor,maybe is a good combo. Wish me luck for be good in battle.
+1, I got the rhino recently and really like it. Very underrated gun. Compliments owning the msw with its longer range abilities.