Ammo packs and explosives.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SgtScum, Jul 26, 2013.

  1. SgtScum

    Question. Should ammo packs resupply tank and prox mines if you have them pre stocked?

    This would only be for pre stocked mines not auto-resupplied ones of course.

    Pros and cons anyone?

    The whole stock-piling feature is set to go away here pretty soon. Not really worth the discussion.
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  3. SgtScum

    Ah, haven't been keeping up with the roadmap. So no more stockpiling in the future.

  4. KenDelta

    I don't know if my understanding is low or something but you're trying to say : "Go near an 'ammo' pack to refill your claymores/mines/c4s/medkits ? if so

    Pros : You as an LA just going near a ammopack and grabbing 2 more c4s to continue your carnage.
    Cons : You as ANY other class get c4'd to oblivion by the same LA using c4s over and over.

    No , just no.
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    It would be: an ammo pack allows you to re-stock explosives without going to a terminal. The explosives would still cost you resources, and the pre-requites would be that you have those explosives already purchased in your personal stockpile. The problem is that personal stock-piling is going to get removed, so its all useless anyways.
  6. SgtScum

    Eh I really meant just tank and prox mines but yeah pointless debate now. :p
  7. Mr_Giggles

    Yeah if my understanding is correct, they'll be removing the stockpile. Instead, each time you resupply it's going to automatically draw from a general resource pool (air, vehicle, and infantry pools will go away).

    As for the restock from the ammo pack idea I'm not a big fan of that honestly. Being an engineer that would make me almost a infinite sticky grenade throwing monkey, the king of C4, or the most hated tank mine layer behind enemy lines.
  8. SgtScum

    I can already do that with a wraith flash and infiltrator. Just add hacked terminal.
  9. Syrathin

    Resource Revamp
    Unless I'm interpreting this wrong you won't even need to resupply. You'd still only be able to throw down X amount of c4/mines at time but it sounds like you won't need to go to a terminal to resupply and since we won't be able to stock pile I think we'll see their usage drop a bit. That being said they could tweak their costs to give them more frequent usage like we have in the current system, Hard to say how it's going to work out until we get to try it.

    If that is the case I wonder what sort of changes they'll make to the med/resto kit cert line? If it's pay on use the cert line to carry extras would be a bit pointless.
  10. PutteFnask

  11. Mr_Giggles

    And how did your recon acquire tank mines?
  12. Mr_Giggles

    Wouldn't that make the Grenade Bandolier and utility pouch obsolete? Not that anyone uses them according to Stew.
  13. Syrathin

    Yeah I would think so, And it could be that I'm completely mistaken. But considering it says inventory for infantry items removed it does make it sound like we won't be carrying X amount of items. Instead just paying a resource cost whenever we choose to use them.
    Again could be completely wrong but that is what it sounds like to me and if that's the case a few cert lines will have to be redesigned or refunded.
  14. SgtScum

    Hacked terminal? Switch class to engie then seed prox and tank mines with a c4 cherry on top all over the place. It's sticks around even after a class change though the c4 will disappear if you die.

    Now add in the fact that you can cert out a utility pouch which gives you even moar of everything and you can set up some devious traps.
  15. Mr_Giggles

    Ah, your engineer got mines, not your recon.
  16. SgtScum

    I'm pretty sure that will mean the terminal stockpile and not what amount you can carry and plant at a time.