Gettng some really bad fps on Amerish currently running at 24fps but Indar plays fine at 60-150fps, anyone else having issues on Amerish? I73770k 32gb Memory GTX6804gb
Yup. Whenever I go to Amerish my frame rate plummets. I'm usually in the 30-40 FPS region on Indar/Esamir, but only manage ~20 on Amerish. Makes it unplayable.
Yes, on Indar and Esamir I can play fine in heavy battles with frame rates in the mid 40s. On Amerish it seems my framerates gradually drop down to the mid 20s and never recover.
The same thing happens to me after a while, I just have to alt-tab out and back in to get decent FPS again.
I think its becase of all the trees and the shadows they make shadows are rended on the CPU in PS2 and after i OCed mine more i get 40-60 fps use alt+f and see what your bottle neck is
I can't keep amerish above 30fps with the flora on, so I have it and shadows disabled. [Rendering] ShadowQuality=0 [Terrain] RenderFlora=Off
Having the same issues here. On Indar and Esamir I get between 60-80 fps everywhere. In the first few minutes of playing on Amerish I have no issues, but after like 15-30 mins of play my fps doesn't get above 30, which I find unplayable. Too bad really since Amerish has some really nice bases, I'm sick of Indar (and it tends to lag somewhat) and Esamir is always empty. I have shadows and flora disabled. I have: I5 3570K gtx580 16 gigs ram
what is your ini file look like? What driver you on? I'm using this with an AMD x6 1090T and GTX570: 313.96-desktop-win8-win7-winvista-64bit-english-beta driver [Display] RenderQuality=1.410000 [Rendering] GraphicsQuality=3 TextureQuality=0 ShadowQuality=0 RenderDistance=6000.000000 Gamma=0.200000 MaximumFPS=120 UseLod0a=0 VSync=0 OverallQuality=-1 LightingQuality=2 FogShadowsEnable=1 EffectsQuality=3 TerrainQuality=3 FloraQuality=3 ModelQuality=5 ParticleLOD=2 MotionBlur=0 AO=1 VerticalFOV=55 [Terrain] RenderFlora=Off
Driver version is 314.07. Overall performance on other continents is fine. [Display] FullscreenRefresh=0 Maximized=0 RenderQuality=1.000000 FullscreenWidth=1920 FullscreenHeight=1080 WindowedWidth=1024 WindowedHeight=768 Mode=Fullscreen FullscreenMode=Fullscreen [Rendering] GraphicsQuality=4 TextureQuality=0 ShadowQuality=0 RenderDistance=2000 Gamma=0.000000 MaximumFPS=120 UseLod0a=0 OverallQuality=-1 LightingQuality=4 EffectsQuality=4 TerrainQuality=4 FloraQuality=4 ModelQuality=4 VerticalFOV=55 ParticleLOD=2 ParticleDistanceScale=0.650000 FogShadowsEnable=0 MotionBlur=0 VSync=0 AO=0 [Terrain] RenderFlora=Off
I didn't understand how your getting worse fps than me on a better gear.. now I see, your using 4's. I did some testing the other day.. 3 looks better on most these setting anyways.. Just put everything but textures and shadows on high in the menu. This is High with ultra textures and no shadows: [Rendering] GraphicsQuality=3 TextureQuality=0 ShadowQuality=0 RenderDistance=6000.000000 Gamma=0.200000 MaximumFPS=250 UseLod0a=0 VSync=0 OverallQuality=-1 LightingQuality=2 FogShadowsEnable=1 EffectsQuality=3 TerrainQuality=3 FloraQuality=3 ModelQuality=3 ParticleLOD=2 MotionBlur=0 AO=1 Here is some shots of me testing things: Here is TextureQuality=0 with everything else on high: Here is TextureQuality=0 with everything else on 5: People see how this looks clearer.. they think that means ultra.. when in fact it is lower quality. Here is what it looks like with my Render settings: Here is Video because screencaps can't get the lighting, sunlight moves from clouds shadows on high, which is =2 in the ini. Also, if you have no shadows, Enable fog Shadows, it fixes the brightness issue: No shadows, fog shadows OFF No shadows, Fog Shadows ON ULTRA: Looks pretty, but I rather see my enemy... Why I stopped using ULTRA: TextureQuailty=0 is the best improvement in graphics. Here are the results: Step 1 - Dedicate 16-24GB to a RAM disk. Step 2 - Load PS2 directly to your RAM. Step 3 - Profit
it's fast load when you log in and in between screens. like when you redeploy or instant action or switch continents. Just seems smoother to me overall.