[Suggestion] Amerish and base design

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by pnkdth, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. pnkdth

    After a few days the flaws are becoming glaringly obvious.

    1. Almost every fight devolve into people throwing bodies at each other, and since there you are always limited to a few entry points this goes on to become a boring grind where all people do is farm with their maxes, throw grenades, and fire rocket launchers. There is no rhyme or reason to it, just throw yourself into the fray and hope for the best.

    My suggestion: open up the entrances a bit instead of funnelling attackers into a tight space. In a bigger fight it is turns into a very messy situation where it is all about the numbers.

    2. Walls, walls everywhere. Do not try to be COD. I'm not saying this as "LOL COD-KIDDIES!!!" but rather than I think planetside 2 should try to be planetside because COD is better at being COD than planetside2 is.

    My suggestion: Give more options. In your effort to prevent vehicle camping, you've gone too far. It is also affecting infantry combat.

    3. Welcome to a campers paradise. Corridors and tight spaces are fine, but when you build your bases like this there are just way too many corners you need to cover. This gets painfully problematic against any kind of organised defence as you quite simply will not break through unless they make a long series of big mistakes. Same is true when the attacker overwhelms you, you have no chance at all to do anything. There's simply too many camp spots in the way.

    My suggestion: Make these areas larger, and with less blind corners. Much like point 1 and 2, you're just running into the faces of MAX units, rockets, and grenades.

    I guess what I am saying, make more room for strategy and tactics because in its current state I get the feeling you've taken most of, if not only, the feedback from the MLG twitch skill customer segment. So many of my infantry weapons feel useless, and its like shotguns, SMGs, and MAX units is being pushed as the only viable option. CQC shouldn't be such a large part of the game.

    In closing, I'm not saying its all doom and gloom, there are some seriously beautifully crafted bases as well. I am merely proposing things are a bit too black and white, ie, too much rock-paper-scissors, in quite a lot of bases.

  2. LT_Latency

    It's fine, There should be a variety of styles of combat.

    Some places for planes, some for tanks and some for infantry
  3. kadney

    The only problem that I have at right now is that some spawnrooms are way to easy to pin down from air and some bases are a pain to defend. (Xelas South Bridge for example.) But I haven't seen all the bases yet.
  4. Being@RT

    Walls aren't there to prevent vehicle camping, they're there for optimization. More walls = more occlusion (ie. stuff that doesn't need to be rendered). If walls help prevent camping with vehicles, it's just a side effect.

  5. libbmaster

    This is how every fight in every base in planetside since 2003 has proceeded.

    Okay, maybe you are right, there needs to be more lattice links... but the dev team went back to Indar and esamir and added in new links to improve flow, so it's logical to assume they will review amerish once all the data comes in.

    As for your comments about walls and CoD... I'm not seeing it.

    Most bases on amerish are actually very well balanced between esamir's prisons and Indar's indefensible clusters of shacks. For every meat grinder I encountered, I also saw another battle where the attackers slipped into a base unnoticed through an alternate rout, and put the defenders on their heels.
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  6. pnkdth

    I'm not suggesting a total revamp, but it is annoying as hell to be shot to pieces because I have to move around so much with grav lifts. So much camping going, and I'm not talking about spawncamping. Everyone is funneled into chokepoints, which isn't about combined arms but it turns infantry combat into flinging grenades and rocket spam, or just place a few maxes in the way. So what I am suggesting is ensuring all these various entry points doesn't become so one sided and clogged up.
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  7. MarkAntony

    Quote for truth.
    I think these bases allow every class to perform well. There is lots of ledges and places to jumpjet up to for LAs. The bases aren't just corridors like on esamir so that Infiltratos can sneak around and cause havoc. Heavies, medics, engies and Maxes (who weren't that negatively affected on esamir imo) can perform their roles as front line infantry and support as well.
    All the while vehicles aren't absolutely dominating but still relevant and even important.

    Wish we had bases like this on Indar and Esamir since I don't like their bases to much but like their terrain a lot better.
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