Hey, I just found this new, have you heard about it?, if so, does anyone know when this patch will be released?. http://linustechtips.com/main/topic...-improve-amd-cpu-performance-in-planetside-2/
If it actually happens, I'll be amazed. When was the last time we had a good performance update? (maybe not AMD orientated but the game all to together) I hope it does though, these kind of pushes that they have made in the past are what make me happy/confident on spending money on this game (It's a love/hate relationship) I don't think this time they are making wild statements like the old roadmap if I remember it correctly.
I cannot wait to see this patch implemented for AMD users. Since almost over a year this has beem my favourite game so far, and with these future changes I hope keep enjoying this game more years.
I take you guys are new this game. The optimization described in the article took place about a year ago, codenamed O:MFG (Operation: Make Faster Game). Altogether, there were 3 Performance Upates. While somewhat controversial due to the perceived "dumbing down" of graphics that took place to achieve such gains (reduction of texture resolution, culling/simplification of game objects, removal of PhysX, and reduction in players per continent/server) as well as the months-long freeze on content while O:MFG took place, there was no doubt that the game ran significantly faster and more stable for a large portion of the player base. As a result, population swelled. Since then, subsequent patches and content additions have destroyed the performance improvements and bug fixes from O:MFG.
Oh lol, I knew what O:MFG was but thought this was recent. /ignored article date and only paid attention to OP date
The very best thing you can do at the moment, is to unpark your CPU cores. Windows has most of your cores parked, god knows why. But I experienced a 15-20 framerate boost by unparking my cores during big fights. My PC overall seems to just run faster as well.
Ah damn, I thought the OMFG patch was older, sorry . Anyway I trust they will increase the game performance...