Am I the only one who likes the new UI?

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by -Synapse-, Oct 30, 2013.

  1. -Synapse-

    Health/shield indicators and all. I like all of it, and find it much more accurate and easy to read than the block-based system. Am I the only one who feels this way?
  2. DeadliestMoon

  3. daniel696

  4. Runegrace

    The general look? Yes. Having the fade-out on central HUD is difficult to read, though. Newer iteration is better, but not perfect.

    I'd also like the solar flare at the bottom of the screen when you kill someone toned down a bit. Otherwise I like the look they're going with.
  5. yllom001

    Just feels strange, I see where they were going, but It generally just felt better from a health perspective with the old hud, not for maybe the abilities, those look kindof ok, maybe adjustable colors would make ammo work with problems people have...
  6. RoyAwesome

    I like the new hud in general, it's just harder to at a glance know where you stand. There can be some improvements to it.
  7. Warruz

    I just dont like the ammo and special ability UI look, it just tells me such little info.
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  8. bodmans

    Personally I like the old one better, I use centralised hud. Besides, it was easier for me to tell how much more damage I could take with the bars.
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  9. WyrdHarper

    Could use some buffs to functionality, but I've got to say, if I were a new player the new HUD would impress me; it's pretty flashy and obviously more effort was put into the HUD and kill notifications graphically than the old ones. The polish is nice, if nothing else.
  10. Jeslis

    Obviously your not the only one who *likes* it.

    But that doesn't mean there aren't a good number of us who hate its lack of "ease-of-reading"//Readability//Functionality .. I hate how.. narrow? the lifebar gets.. impossible for me to tell if thats suppose to be 70, 80, or 90%.. due to the little random bumps it has.

    Extremely DISLIKE new UI graphics.
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  11. St0mpy

    It adds nothing to usability nor functionality and goes beyond an update of the existing format, its someones dinnertime art project with no gain to us. Things like this show SOE still arent sure of their own products identity, maybe theyve changed so much its par for the course and simply dont understand how much constant change (especially change which doesnt yield a positive outcome for all) hurts the playerbase bit by bit.
  12. Bambasti

    Dislike. Because harder to read while being lager and distracting, especially the bars on the left and right. Needs to be as plain, simple and unobtrusive as possible.
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  13. Rogueghost

    They did it to improve performance, you'd be surprised how much things like changing font and the HUD can improve fps.
  14. DeadliestMoon

    There's a number at the bottom of your screen (assuming you are using the central HUD) that's your ammo counter.
  15. DeadliestMoon

    And you do? Things like this show that the players don't know what we want out of this game. The overreaction to the slightest change that hasn't even happened yet, you can't always be afraid of change, that hurts the companies that choose to listen to their player base just by being wishy washy.
  16. SideOfBeef

    If you have to look down to the edge of the screen to read an ammo counter, then what was the point of centralized hud mode in the first place?

    Those bars in the middle of the screen exist to convey information. If they aren't doing as good a job now as they did previously, they should be fixed.
  17. DeadliestMoon

    All I'm saying is that it takes a split second to look down at that ammo counter, unless you have severe tunnel vision that impairs you in such a way that you don't notice a blinking red number for when you are low on ammunition. Or if you know, you're dyslexic, if that's the case then I'm sorry.
  18. Chipay

    You're telling a Magrider Driver that he has tunnel vision :D
    But seriously, blinking red = too late if you're in a fight, there's no reason why it should it be in a corner, a tank that has to strafe all the time while keeping its face to the enemy while being aware of the surroundings might indeed have problems with having to look at the corner of the screen.
  19. Consumer

    I've seen you make innumerable posts on these types of posts and threads. I'm earnestly going to ask you very politely to stop veiling tactless insults under an argument. Regardless of what your opinion is, you shouldn't need to continuously sink low to make your point if it has any merit at all.

    Now, in defense of the readability (which is so easily tweaked by improving visibility of the start and end points of the bars), you are acknowledging that such a straightforward improvement in usability should be overlooked because the alternative puts on the onus on the player. This is the same idea in other products you are referencing as receiving outbursts from changes, such like Microsoft or Google. You need to stop considering these people as brainless idiots and realize that many of them are knowledgeable users of the given software. If you are hiding features for the purposes of eye candy or "simplicity", you are at an objective level making the design for power-users worse.

    For Windows 8, the Modern start interface and the various tablet-oriented features like the Charms bar are slower to use for mouse-and-keyboard users. For Google, the recent Apps button over a bar favors tablets and mobile with limited screen real estate when it slows down desktop users. And, of course, so on and so forth. Yes, these complaints are in response to change because you need to realize that not all change is good for everyone. And the complainers are there to keep it in check, even if they are not successful and often for malicious indifference from people who hold your mindset.

    Much is similar for the ammo counter. But others have already identified the problems and comparative unhelpfulness in the current existence of the bars in this thread, so I won't restate them.
  20. gzero

    I love how simple it is, however the health bars etc etc. could be a bit more minimal and simple and easier to see.