Am I the only one tired of instagibbing scat maxes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SpeedFreakPS0NE, Apr 24, 2018.

  1. SpeedFreakPS0NE

    Given that the majority of fights, or fun ones at least, are CQC. These things ruin the damn game.
    One is bad enough but getting several of these point and click adventures together especially in a biolab is just ridiculous, VS and TR have nothing that comes close in these situations. In addition their aegis gives them a lot more durability compared to VS and TR options as well.

    Why hasn't anything been done about this? The whole long range option I've seen people bring up is not a valid argument since the other maxes are fairly useless at long range, the VS blueshift still sucks at range and given the overwhelmingly one sided advantage the scatmax has in the majority of fights CQC it doesn't make sense why these things haven't been nerfed or the others given options to balance them out. I mean for eff sake ZOE is a damn self nerf in CQC another brilliant DBG move.
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  2. raffa2

    here's the typical excuse.
    "But my RNG!" -oneshots you
    "But the shotguns range!" -oneshots you with slugs
    "BUT C4!!!" -oneshots you the frame you appear in his screen
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  3. JibbaJabba

    Nerf whines are bad enough but you managed to nail down a particularly dumb one. The mere whine itself is evidence that you've never spent any time trying to play the thing you call to nerf.

    The effective range on a scatmax is from about the middle of the bigstairs in a power plant building down to door #2 in front of it. It cannot instagib at that range but it can kill.

    From the top of the stairs it cannot even outdamage a medic. A TR or VS max will laugh off it's damage output. The "instagibbing" range is about from about the middle of bigstairs to the floor. About 3 meters.

    About this instagibbing: If you come around the corner face to face with a scatmax it can kill you before you can turn to run. If you come face to face with a mercy max, you'll get to turn but not run. For all practical purposes the result is the same. Yet you don't ask for the mercy to be nerfed?

    Why don't you wax poetic about the time the NC Max tore you to shreds anywhere but inside an actual room? Never happened though did it? Uh uh.

    So to answer your question: Yes, you're the only one tired of it.
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  4. adamts01

    No. NC Maxes actually do what Maxes are supposed to do.

    Kind of. NC Maxes are hands down better than TR's and VS's. But I don't want to see NC nerfed, I'd rather TR and VS get buffed, or altered in some way. I especially hate lockdown, and from what I hear Zoe isn't that great when you need to face tank something and make it dead, which is pretty much what Maxes are for.
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  5. JibbaJabba

    To further answer
    it doesn't make sense why these things haven't been nerfed or the others given options to balance them out.

    They have been nerfed into oblivion. You're new here and don't know this.

    As with all things: I recommend you play as the thing you are complaining about before you finalize your judgement. Don't even try to say you've done this here. Your readers can tell.
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  6. DrPapaPenguin

    I find it more annoying that other 2 faction MAXes dont have any particular advantage in other fields. Maybe with exception of TR MAX at AA. At least, I know an NC MAX will usually win against my TR MAX outside of me going AV setup just to mess with him.

    Still, I am biased given that I only play TR and have only anecdotal evidence. And not nearly annoyed enough to ask a nerf. It's just a nuance of the game as far as im concerned.
  7. Doc Jim

    Yes, NC MAX units are effective at close quarters with their shield-shotgun-combo. Just bear in mind that NC MAX units are huge targets, even compared to the other MAX units, this helps you counter them. Every class except infiltrators has access to equipment that can counter MAX units and infiltrators don't need to engage MAX units.
  8. SpeedFreakPS0NE

    Oh really, well sorry to disappoint you but yes I have. Primarily I play VS but I have been playing this game long enough to cover the pros and cons of all factions. And the NC scatmax in CQC has an overwhelming advantage compared to the options the other factions have and the CQC is where the majority of the fights happen. With the upcoming delay being added to C4 it will increase this advantage even more.
  9. Campagne

    I don't really understand why players always complain about the NC MAX and not the TR or VS.

    Sure the thing instakills, some of the time, but whenever ya' turn a corner and run into a MAX face-first you are going to die and there will be nothing you can do about it regardless of its faction.
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  10. Diilicious

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  11. Hegeteus

    NC MAX shotguns should be normalized in terms of range, damage and magazine size to be closer to TR and VS for the benefit of everyone. I'd also remove and refund slugs since they work with pretty odd mechanics.
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  12. VhynSeven

    Well, M. Captain Obvious, NC MAXes are meant to do that. They use freaking shotguns, aka weapons for blowing anything to shreds at CQC range. So why are you so upset ? It's like whining because some sniper headshoted you at 100+ meters and you didn't see him.

    Seriously, past 10 meters, TR and VS MAXes get better DPS overall due to dmg dropoff from shotguns + pellet spread. NC MAXes are one-trick ponies, get them out of a room and they can't drop anyone unless said anyone rush them at CQC range.
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  13. JibbaJabba

    I kinda like slugs but in an odd way. They do NOT extend range. At any sort of range they simply make you fully miss instead of partially miss. Where I find them handy: Very tight CQB where the risk of "overspray" to friendlies is high. With slugs your rounds land where you want them and nowhere else.
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  14. JibbaJabba

    10 meters is being very generous. At knife range a scatmax will drop a merci max. At about 5 meters it's pretty even. Past that and pellets start to miss and the merci pulls ahead.

    I think most folks that complain about NC Maxes only see the bad end of an instagib. They never see the struggle. Nay, the *hilarity* of an NC Max trying desperately to negotiate the battle in such a way that it is not helpless as a kitten.

    People recognize the shotguns are short range. They don't usually recognize just how bad. It's so bad. So bad.
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  15. Hegeteus

    I think they do extend the range, but pretty much only under NC MAX favored circumstances where they afford to stay still to avoid having CoF inaccuracies. One thing that makes people hate NC MAXes is that they tend to sit on their *** on some objective and instantly kill people who come through a door. I'd want NC MAX to turn into something that excels not only in holding tight objective rooms, but breaching a more versatile set of areas and supporting their team for bigger periods of time instead of just brutally overkilling few enemies at a time.

    Another good reason for getting rid of slugs, is that they kind of complicate the balance of NC MAX shotguns. Normally it wouldn't be a bad thing, but VS and TR are often hard to convince that equipping slugs has serious downsides. Don't get me wrong, I don't despise the slugs but I think NC MAX weapons could be simply optimized to work without them.

    If NCs are hellbent on having the slugs, I would at least propose to make them so that you don't have to crawl around or sit still to have any accuracy with them. Maybe it promotes skill in some people's opinion, but in my mind it more promotes passive playstyle that enemies and many NC MAXes find unappealing.

    • More natural range, mobility and capacity --> Overall efficiency during lifetime
    • Less instagibbing and fighting only in extreme CQ
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  16. Jbeasty

    Apparently some people have never used c4/flash nades/conc nades/archer/launchers....

    A MAX is a 450 nanite pull, you shouldn't be able to 1v1 it with ease as infantry. And if you are going head to head without the element of surprise, you are simply doing it wrong anyway. Especially if you are in close enough to get 1 shot LOL...

    NC max range is substantially worse than the others, that is a completely relevant argument. Saying it is not, is grounds to laugh you out of the room.

    I agree that ALL maxes need attention atm, just like so many other things in this decaying game, but crying for MORE nerfs, especially on things that don't deserve one in the slightest, is only going to make this game worse.

    We have had FAR too many nerfs overall. No more. Bad things need to be brought up instead.
  17. Liewec123

    4/5 classes can instagib the scatmax at a further range than the scatmax can insta gib them,
    since you can hurl c4 10/15ft and then the explosion will OHK them out another 5+ ft
    seriously the instakill "grenade" OHKs maxes from 15-20ft away...
  18. typnct

    im not saying that nc maxes are op or anything but nc maxes do have the highest kdr out of all 3 nation
    averaging between 2.3(currently) to 4(max ive ever seen) while tr is at 2(currently) max 2.5 vs is 1.7(currently) max 2

    i can only explain that by the close range that they stay on and excelent handling in closed rooms
  19. JibbaJabba

    NC only pulls maxes in very limited circumstances. It's basically a waste of resources outside of indoor CQB. If you can dig up the amount of hours NC maxes are in play vs the other factions it may be eye opening.
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  20. SpeedFreakPS0NE

    Ok that is total BS, any long range fights against the NC involving vehicles you can barely hear over the barrage of Raven spam.