Alternate Method for Base XP

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FateJH, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. FateJH

    The following, of course, assumes that bases someday get re-designed with a more logical layout. I'm sorry it's a long read, but that may just contrast how simplistic our current base capture methodology is. It may also be just to dang complicated but aiming high typically gives a lot to work with.

    My idea is this: each room has a security quality to it that acts like a miniature capture point. The security is not "how secure the room is" but "how many people would it take to secure the room." Fewer amounts of people can secure a room of higher security, but it will take longer. This "security level" is not well-defined right now but can be determined later. It would take as many people as its security level a certain amount of time to "flip" the security of the said room. For a small room with three doors and a window, the security is four, and four people need to hold the room uncontested for a certain level of time to secure it.

    There are still major capture points for actual facility control, the typical shield generators, turrets, SCU, and any other goodies that are added later, but security is important for gaining XP when a base is capped or properly defended. There are two pools - "base defense XP" for the defenders, and "base capture XP" for the attackers - and only one pool is rewarded when the major capture points either revert to their original faction or flip to the new faction. The pools are only active when the major capture points are also taken; if they are not in a certain amount of time, the room reverts to its original faction security. The is also a fixed "ghost recovery XP" pool that is independent of the other two. Accrual of this bonus XP upon defense or capture of the base works through a process of these rooms having their security flipped after being secured the first time the base is put "under attack." The base now requires at least one of that faction's players on each major capture point for the base's capture to proceed (defenders need to do the same thing to re-fill their defense bar). Each room's bonus is additive to either "base defense" or to "base capture," but never both.

    Additionally, there is an "automatic security procedure" that occurs when a base is captured or defended: outwards from the control points, the base itself re-evaluates each room and secures it for the appropriate faction that controls the whole, with no new XP accured. During this time, if the base was just defended, attempts at re-capturing the base will not work and no rooms will secure for the attackers. If the base was just captured, however, the "automatic security procedure" can be interrupted by claiming influence via the capture points.

    It works like this:
    A BLUE player attempts to cap a RED base with one major capture point and a single room separate of that. He goes into the room flips it from RED security to BLUE security and the facility is now marked as "under attack." In doing so, he gains a paltry amount of experience (think: not worth it by itself). The BLUE player goes to the main facility capture point. If nothing else happens and he caps the facility, everything in the major facility will automatically begin to flip from RED to BLUE security. The BLUE player gets no experience for taking the whole base because he was uncontested. The base is no longer counted as "under attack."

    Back before the base is capped, let's say a RED player wanders into the base, notices the situation, and re-secures the BLUE room to RED. The region is still marked as "under attack," but the RED player receives a more substantial XP reward for his efforts, and the base has "base defense XP" added to a pool. If the RED player goes onto regain control of the capture point, successfully defending the base, he receives the "base defense XP" pool. And the facility goes through its normal automatic security check-flip routine as described above. If the BLUE player still captures the base at this point, the "base defense XP" pool is lost.

    Again back before the base is capped, but the room has been secured RED again, let's say the BLUE player leaves the capture point and flips the room back to BLUE security. The "base defense XP" bonus for the room now becomes a "base capture XP" bonus. The BLUE player returns to the major capture point and, if nothing else happens, when the formerly-RED base becomes BLUE-controlled, he is awarded the amount in the "base capture XP" pool.

    Finally, there is an exploitative case where the BLUE player chooses not to secure in the originally-RED room, denying everyone "base capture XP" or "base defense XP," merely wanting to give his COLOR/faction control of the base; he succeeds; this is a bare bones "ghost cap" in other words. Let us assume there is a series of ghosts caps between this instance and that instance, to add ambiguity. If the last COLOR/faction that properly captured the base - RED, let us say - captures the base back from BLUE or from whichever COLOR/faction after a series of ghost cappings, they can get a "ghost recovery XP," unless any of those captures is confrontational and thus "base defense XP" or "base capture XP" is rewarded. The "ghost recovery XP" being awarded for a ghost cap does not apply to subsequent ghost caps until the base is properly captured once again.

    Did you read it all?