What if you have a maxed out shield regenerating bubble, maxed out nanite healing gun thing, and had a heavy assault with max nanoweave and resist shield on. like if I was constantly healing him while he stood in that bubble with his resist shield on, how much do you think he could possibly tank? (I wish the shield bubble not only helped recover shield, but overcharged you shields by 2% for each level making for a maximum 10% extra hit points for your shield acting as a tiny buff for standing in it.)
Nanoweave doesn't stack with resist shield, and resist shield is almost always available, so it's sort of a pointless combo.
As Iridar said... Apart ASC the only useful defensive suit slot to use with Resist Shield is Flak armor because, while not stacking, it protects more from all the splash damage. This could be a nice combo if in a frag-fest.
But with you constantly regenerating shield and being healed, and taking reduced damage, would it not make him at all tanky? I though it would be a killer combo if set up in good positions.
Like Pauly Shore and Stephen Baldwin, you'd be causing trouble in that bubble. Also: Healing Grenades, son. You can double-heal him while also boosting his shields.