[Suggestion] Allow underbarrel attatchements on S-variant LMGs?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Liewec123, Apr 19, 2021.

  1. Liewec123

    Ahoy gang! I was thinking just now about what my favourite weapons are,
    and amongst them is the silly Brawler, a shotgun with an underbarrel shotgun!
    And that got me thinking about underbarrel attachments and "if I could have any gun, what would it be?"
    And I ended up thinking of an LMG with an underbarrel shotgun/nadelauncher!

    And then I thought, we have the S-variant carbines
    which are slightly worse versions of the default Carbines but with access to underbarrel attachments.
    And we also have S-variant LMGs which are slightly worse versions of the default LMGs,
    So what would people think about giving the S-variant LMGs access to underbarrel attachments?

    I main engineer and have the LMG ASP so I would love to be able to switch between LMG and firing grenades :D
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  2. JustGotSuspended

    What would be cool is if those weps have the punisher mechanics. Where you can have 2 rail slots. That would definitely help them become a bit more useful.
    • Up x 3
  3. Demigan

    I dont see why not. I don't think LMG's would be OP, and it makes more sense for LMG's augment themselves using UB grenades than Carbines.

    That said I've advocated before to simply overhaul the entire UB system. Let us fire it with a single buttonpress without swithing weapons, add a disadvantage in the form of a large recoil/COF increase. Nerf the current UB weapons so they wouldn't be OP. Add class-specific UB launchers to many more weapons to increase class-specific capabilities.