Allow People to shoot enemy pilots in the Cockpits

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, Dec 10, 2012.

  1. LOLdragon

    Although, the trailer ALSO showed not only a Light Assault doing this (not an infiltrator) but also showed destructible environments, the ability to jump between flying ships, and the ability to lob a grenade INTO a tank to blow it up.

    Yes, it would be a cool mechanic, but kind of imbalanced. One yahoo with a sniper rifle would be able to crash a slow-moving Galaxy with 12 people on board. MAYBE you could do this for liberators or other aircraft, but such a mechanic would be a tremendous nerf to the utility of the Galaxy.

    Also, just saying, being able to take down an aircraft with a single precise shot would promote lone-wolfing. Right now, the best way to take down aircraft is to have a TEAM of players COORDINATE their fields of fire or their tactics to evade, distract, and bring down aircraft, unlike other games like Battlefield where all that matters is which team happens to have a particularly skilled individual player on their team.
  2. Roklut

    This would make sense when vehicles are low and just hovering over a base....but then again so would a simple rocket but not everyone likes playing heavy assault.
  3. Sharmanti

    I don't know what planet you're from. But windows on such veichles are certainly not made of regular ******* glass. They're extremely tough today. In 10 years not a nuclear warhead will be able to penetrate that ****. Would have been fun. But it's too easy to just spray the front and get a kill..
  4. TotalMaverik

    Would be interesting to see if it only worked with a bolt-action sniper rifle, within a certain range, and only on ESFs. It'd be a nice way to punish those bombers who think they can hover close above ground and unload a salvo. At the same time, I guess that's their only viable method of bombing because of infantry rendering issues.

    I'm against having this sort of vulnerability on a Liberator or Galaxy, though. Those things require a lot more teamwork to use effectively, and shouldn't be shutdown by a single person who technically isn't even anti-air.

    Of course, I'd rather see them fix the infantry rendering thing first; It's fairly annoying not being able to do anything about the MAX who can see you and is fully capable of shooting you, while you're unable to even pinpoint the source of the damage because the client thinks the MAX that doesn't render for you doesn't exist.
  5. Scr1nRusher

    but you know what I'm saying it would be a cool game mechanic TO ACTUALLY HAVE IN THE GAME
  6. Vedo

    Hell yes! I'd love to respawn as an infiltrator after getting spawn camped 50 times by a hovering lib and come back and shoot the pilot in the face. That would be glorious. Don't wanna get sniped / gunned down by heavies? Don't point your cockpit at the ground.
  7. Autrayu

    I agree with op. Rounds shoot through cockpits should damage pilots.
  8. iller

    ^this ... do it SOE or your trailer's just a bunch of False advertising ;)
  9. Azarga

    I honestly don't think that we need it.
    But if it should ever be added, make small-arms fire penetrate the cockpit at point blank only (like in that fancy trailer), and at <100-150m for bolt-action rifles.
  10. Scr1nRusher

    they need to add it
  11. Pr0ph3tx

    Although I would like this being a sniper, unfortunately there's 1 MAAAJOR game breaking drawback.

    the aimbots would be shooting every pilot out of the sky and would be just saying they're 'skilled'

    do you really want this
  12. VoidMagic

    Honestly, sniper rounds do alot of damage to esf... I always fire on them with my sniper rifle. My inful C.O. is nice enough to not shoot me in the face for doing so... but, I've gotten kills that way ... lol
  13. Hodo

    Sounds good on paper, but I can tell you now, after WWIIOL, I dont want the golden BB ever again.

    Crew 1 hit in leg.
  14. Toshogu

    Any pilot that sits still enough for me to headshot him in his cockpit deserves to be headshotted while in his cockpit.

    It pisses me off that pilots will just hover like big ugly targets asking to be picked out of their cockpits and aren't punished for it. Make this a sniper rifle only ability. And get it done.
  15. SnowBird

    sometime I do this, I use light A then fly over a low flying aircraft then try shooting at the pilot lol im so frustrated, I want to replicate what the guy did on the trailer hehe
  16. Scr1nRusher

    this needs to happen
  17. Cingal

    Cool on paper, absolutely awful idea in practice.

    God no, never even consider this.

    Just use C4.
  18. Genuinetheo

    All of this translates to "I'm tired of enemy liberators being able to kill me with infantry designated turrets, so I want to be able to kill the pilot without having to switch to Heavy Assault or use AA guns to my advantage. By doing so, I can take all the credit for single-handedly fighting off an enemy liberator, and my team will thank me for it. Oh and let's not forget I'll probably put it in a montage somewhere with some cool music."

    We have Heavy Assault for a reason. We have AA guns for a reason. This is a team-based game, for a reason. If someone in your squad isn't a Heavy Assault and trying to take down that liberator, then it's your job to do that. If you can't and won't, then that tells me you are just one of the many reasons people stop playing team-based FPS games. You're probably one of those infiltrators who goes off by himself, camping in a hill somewhere, picking off enemies in their own base and making a video out of it with some cheesy music. Look at you.

    If your AA guns are down, and no one is repairing it to fight off enemy aircraft: guess what, it's your job to do it. Don't be the reason your team loses their base. I've been able to help my team draw the enemy back just by going around and repairing AA and AT defense turrets in our base.

    More often than not, enemies usually capture bases more frequently because of the abundance of broken down defense turrets. I see it all the time. One squad captures a base, and what do they do? Move to another objective. They don't care about the 10 AT turrets which currently aren't working, or the 6 AA guns which are down while enemy liberators are flying free over our borders. I don't stand for that kind of mess, and usually take it upon myself to defend a base (by myself). All of this means repairing AA turrets, again by myself, for some time.

    But boy does it help a lot drawing back enemy aircraft.
  19. Scr1nRusher

    this still would help the game
  20. RichBoyIv

    honestly this would not work because

    2:39 their is nobody in the cockpit