Allow Backcapping at Tech Plants & Amp Stations

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Reizod, Dec 2, 2012.

  1. Reizod

    This will alleviate this influx of frontline zerg battles that gets stale. This game has come down to just a numbers game to capture a continent. Also bring back XP for defending a base to give an incentive for players to WANT to defend a base.

    I GUARANTEE if you allow for back capping of Tech Plants and Amp Stations it would improve the game's flow and redundancy.

    Btw, I'm still having fun and enjoying the game.

    Waterson - BR 38 - Scythe pilot
  2. Slyguy65

    back capping and defense is broken in this no why add fuel to the fire...

    Back capping is lame and repetitive right now, we go and cap they retake and the cycle repeats...there needs to be bonuses for defenders aside from just bonus xp gain, when it says FACILITY DEFENDED you should get the amount you would for capping it.
  3. Udon

    There is already a abundance of people who go from one low risk cap target to the next and bypass anything that looks like a real fight because it's so fast and easy. How would removing any semblance of a front line make that problem anything but worse? I can just see outfits running from one backcap target to the next because no on defends bases that are under active attack much less ones that are quite.

    The best way to take a base right now of any size is to ignore it for 15-20 minutes and than when everyone stops defending it rush it with a decent sized force and zerg cap it. Back hacking would just amplify that play style.
  4. CobraFive

    No, absolutely not, terrible idea.

    Why would you encourage armies to NOT fight eachother. Its already bad enough when you've got such an incentive to simply ignore the fight and cap undefended bases.