Alll tech plant No-Deploy zone placement use Indar is going to be broken!!

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by AntDX316, Feb 7, 2023.

  1. AntDX316

    No-Deploy Zones

    • Sunderer to Sunderer no-deploy exclusion radius from 65m to 50m.
    • Tech Plants on Amerish and Hossin now use Indar's no-deploy zone placement, as this change was well-received during the Indar test run.
    • Warpgates now show no-deploy areas.
    • Colossus can no longer deploy in a no-deploy zone.
    Tawrich Tech Plant on Indar:

    lol, deployment inside the tech plant will ruin the game especially on alerts as 5000 people can spawn inside like a router. People should just make a router for it to be balanced. You should All realize people park their sunderers on top of the tunnel making it impossible for people to go through.

    Making the game broken on purpose does not make it balanced.

    All Outfit Leaders need to educate their people to plant Sunderers inside and block the tunnels to win with ease.
  2. ButcherBrother

    It's not going to ruin the game. When you're defending a tech plant with a sunderer in the garage, you send 2-3 of your squadmates to pull tanks, go to the garage and kill the sunderer. Not difficult, eh?