All These NC MAX Threads.

Discussion in 'MAX' started by The Milk Man, Mar 7, 2013.

  1. Klondik3

    Nah you can't take out 5 infantry unless they are all at arms length in which case everything is working as intended.
    Try comparing MAXes in VR instead of making assumptions and exaggerating.

    Also, that scatmax vid is outdated.
  2. Purg

    Playing some Mercy MAX on TI Alloys was refreshing, being able to go up and down the hill while having weapons that actually hit enemy at 100m+ so they'd disengage instead of shooting you up like a pinata while you ran. Was a good battle between VS on one side and NC on the other. Tighten up the bloom and increase the RoF of the TR/VS and you'll instill the same fear one gets from the NC MAX.

    Wailed into several VS MAX but maybe it is time to save up for extended mags on my Marcy. Each time I was a smidge away from delivering the final shot, I had to reload. Denied at least 10 times. Was also smashing an NC Hacksaw MAX until I ate a rocket - then got revived to be Hacksawed. Had him cold, he was going down until I ate that rocket.. :(

    I much prefer the concept of the LMG on each arm compared to the shotgun, they just need to buff those LMG's.
  3. Antivide

    Stating something is a fact doesn't it make it so.

    Reaver balanced? Are you freaking mad? This alone explains how ignorant you are in the current balance state. You don't even fly, do you? You haven't bothered certing out a Reaver to see how it compares to the Mosquito, have you?
  4. Molotov

    Here's another fact for you then, I am a pilot and I know that the Reaver in the capable hands of a skilled pilot is the best ESF. The TTK for all of it's A2A weapons are hands down better then the other ESF's. So what is your complaint? Flying has the highest skill gap in this game and if you can't perform well with any of the ESF's then you shouldn't be in the air. Skill and mistakes are what determine dogfights.
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  5. Mumnoch

    "Can't take out 5 infantry unless they are all at arms length in which case everything is working as intended"...we have compared Maxes in VR, there's video's released in the last couple of weeks proving just how much more powerful NC Maxes are compared to TR/Vanu Maxes. Those of us asking for a adjustment aren't asking because we spun a wheel and decided to pick on NC, it's because of the overwhelming evidence that is presented routinely on these forums and what we witness firsthand ingame. Try playing another faction and take a room that has a NC Hax/Scat Max in it and see how well you do, it's impossible unless you just dump bodies at the NC Max and feed them certs/exp over a extended amount of time slowly wearing them down. This includes hitting them with TR/Vanu Maxes...the NC Max chew's everything up on the ground like it's a fat kid in a candy store.

    Bottom line: No other faction has anything that even comes close to the power the NC Max has in majority of the engagements this game promotes.
  6. The Milk Man

    Well I'm not sure what everyone is arguing about on this thread now since I stopped paying attention after a while

    But as you all know, Higby said that the maxes are going to be become balanced in the next update.

    So the NC MAX really is op and no one here can disagree with this because the entire SOE team, the people who made planetside 2 itself, thinks the Maxes need to be changed to become balanced.

    TLDR; NC Max is op and that is final.
  7. tomahawk72

    Maybe if the TR realized that dual mercy maxs work at RANGE the nc max which is best in CQC isnt as op as they think.... I hate how SOE listens to these idiots...
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  8. Eric Smith

    Dual Mercies = damage of ONE LMG with the CoF of hip firing and none of the important attachments (Scope, IR Scope, Compensator, etc).

    Dual Scatter Cannon = damage of TWO Shotguns with the most important attachments to shotguns (Extended Mags and Slugs).

    Tell me again how this is a fair setup.
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  9. nightbird

    It's not, however regardless of balancing it has to be the case that two stock shotguns on an NC MAX can kill any other MAX from full HP if every pellet lands at point blank. If this isn't true, then the NC MAX will lose at every range of engagement due to the long reload. With only 7 rounds per default clip, TTK will remain less than 2 seconds. More than likely other MAX AI weapons will receive a buff, though don't expect 2 full LMGs because that would be insanely OP infantry farming power.

    In other words, people will continue to cry about not being able to beat NC MAXs at 5 meters range even if their own AI weapons are buffed.
  10. Itaal'h Itchak


    TR MAX >NC MAX past 10m (and = at 10m if the NC max put 1000 certs for extanded mags)
  11. centurionvi

    And their W key breaks.
  12. VanuSovereignty

    And they waste their charge.

    I think it's too late to change the devs' minds. They've obviously read the feedback and compared the stats and have seen something is off.
  13. BaldGibbon

    I rarely use the anti-infantry Max as NC, mostly I use the Dual Burster...I use the Dual Falcons if I need to, and Only use the Dual Shotguns if I am desperate and going toe to toe with enemy infantry.

    They are absolutely useless in combat beyond 15 metres, they are of no use in the slightest when fighting outside....unless I can get to the enemy and fire point blank, having tried to reach them and unable to return fire until that point, it is suicidal to use it in any environment except inside buildings.....and funnily enough, as I know this...I use tactics to combat this weakness, when either fighting as an NC or fighting against the NC.

    I get far better use out of my Vanu and TR anti-infantry Max units due to their increased range....They are still nowhere good enough to back up their looks and costs, but at least they have a avaliable combat range beyond point blank.

    The NC Max is working as intended in the close combat range environment, you are walking into a literal wall of shotgun pellets.....imagine what it is going to be like when they are fitted ( all factions ) with flamethrowers, I bet there will be dozens of threads about flamethrowers being overpowerd because " at 5 metres I cannot survive being covered in 1000 degree flaming napalm " etc etc

    Why do you not save time and save bandwidth and just ask SOE to give Common Pool weapons and armour to all 3 factions, reskin them for the cosmetic look and there you have it....a nice, bland,balanced, boring game.

  14. Singed

    The thing is that the Maxes are really only effective where they don't face tanks and ESFs and can limit the vectors from which enemy infantry can fire at them. These conditions are met mostly in confined bases like biolabs. This also suits the NC max's niche more than the TR and VS.
  15. Ganelon

    Why do your shotguns get to act like shotguns and my miniguns act like blowpipes?
  16. Eric Smith

    Fortunately NC Max can force fights at <10m on a pretty consistant basis. Also NC Max can beat *INFANTRY* at out to 20-30m pretty well. Even if you don't kill them half the time they run away after you unload two clips on them and put them at 3 bars of health.

    Just went 147 and 35 in a BioLab with my almost uncerted Dual Hacky NC toon (no Extended Mags, no slugs, only Flak 3, and a couple levels of Max Timer). Most of my deaths were either because I overextended (~1/3) or while I was a non-max (~1/2). Increased my overall K/D from 1.09 to 1.36 in one play session and gained two BR (now BR 16). If I were playing a little more conservatively, and had my Max a lot more certed, I'd have done a lot better. But it gets boring just waiting for the enemy to come in so I can kill them.

    Only problem I had is that it was largely boring as hell, hide behind a doorway or around a corner and wait for the XP to walk in. So I wander off to find some real action and get killed after killing only a couple guys. Most amusing moment was when I was circumnavigating the outside of the BioLab and faced off against three HA. Got two of them then accidentally hit my Charge and managed to hit the ground in such a way it catapulted me 50m up in the air and then off the walkway, where I then managed to fall onto one of the BioLab legs and slide my way down to the ground where I then cleared out the half-squad that had worked it's way up to the BioLab vehicle bay shields and were screwing with the people inside. Max Punch for the ultimate win - seriously, if you're playing NC and blow your wad before killing the last guy just punch the SOB in the face.
  17. Avlaen

    It should also be noted that a standard infantry shotgun does about 143x6 at 250 RPM and the NC max weapons do 143x6 at 250 roughly. (varies depending on which your using obviously )

    (so individualy they do similar to a single infantry wepaon)

    Where as TR mercy does 143 dmg atr 450 rpm and the slowest firing gun that does 143 dmg fires at 652 RPM so each chain gun is quite a bit weaker than a standard infantry weapon.

    im thinking this is where alot of the imbalance lies tbh.

    And the VS have similar under par on an individual weapon stats but cant remember the full numbers.
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  18. Ashtarid

    Every post defending NC max are ridiculous.

    All fights worth doing are centered around objectives, which means small rooms, square fenced areas that force attackers or defenders to be neatly stacked inside or HAVE to go inside for the NC max to mow down, and not even counting all the rezzing and healing done to keep these OHK walking shotguns up and about even after killing them, or the CD ends and they summon more.

    At the end of the day the main point is: everyone aim for crown, amps, techs or bio or any other random site. And NC always have these advantage because TR and VS have to face these practically one man army at their best environment, the fact they are bad at long range doesn't matter, because all long range fighting don't matter. What matters is your faction want to take something and who has the best tools to do it, and in this case the scatmax is seriously umbalancing the whole system.
  19. CptFirelord

    Before you consider yourself a "genious" that isn't my character. I'm "trekky920 level 47 TR with Time Played: 11d 21h 27m, 1.36 K/D, 1.91 K/D/A, 132 exp/min.
  20. Mumnoch

    Several people have already dis-proved the validity of this video, even on the youtube comments people are pointing out the many kinks in this staged event. I can even make the pistol look OP against a NC Max given the right stage and "rules of engagement". So....what's your point? Is your point that the NC Max is balanced in tightly controlled scenario's with specific ROEs inplace to limit it's potential? If so that video proves it. If your point is that the NC Max is balanced and equal to the other faction's Maxes (or UP compared to those factions) this video fails on this completely.

    I also liked the part where the NC Max straight up stopped shooting when it was 30% health so the TR Max could kill it, blatant is blatant~