Alerts on INDAR take for ever and ever and ever and ever to trigger

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rooklie, Feb 20, 2020.

  1. Rooklie

    I could explain why I think this is, but I won't, cause no one cares right? :)

    Point is, alerts on Indar, at prime time and often also out of prime time never trigger. Like never ever ever..
  2. Rooklie

    oh and by "for ever and ever", I don't mean just a couple hours.

    I could look up the stats but I don't have to, just today for example, I did 4 alerts on a side continent while indar still isn't even close to any faction reaching 100 strength.

    That's a good solid 8 hours at least lol
  3. Gooyoung

    Ha, have you seen NC and TR fought at mao watchtower for 5 hours nonstop full of armor and it's a freaking stalemate?
    Goddamn it's fun

    Now let's not talk about TI Alloy
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