AJA stream and 'the trash can'

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by xWarMachine, Jul 27, 2014.

  1. LT_Latency

    You didn't crush us, You lost objectives while you playing like scrubs fighting noobs.

    This is why you are being critizesed. The fact that your are proud of beating level ones is pretty sad
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  2. Ronin Oni

    ^NOT to the extent you guys pushed it it doesn't.

    Yes, we all know there are some poor designs but we ALSO know how to avoid getting camped (you know, fallback, regroup) and there's USUALLY enough vets that even if there are some new BR8's getting camped, there'll at LEAST be a defense at the next base they can join after they finally get forced out of the base we lost 5 min ago that they should have abandoned.

    That's obviously not the case when there's NOTHING but BR8's
  3. Ronin Oni

    Maybe you were just to busy farming noobs to notice your map?

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  4. Champagon

    honestly this crying is delicious

    we brushed out a bunch of newbs. So what, if they wanna come back let them if they don't oh well. I love how most of you are playing "saints" acting like you never busted out a denial of air at someones warpgate. Or hell even C4'd a sundy. Stop lying please, lack of leadership got the TR crushed. Not my fault seriously. I am just calling out those of you who believe we should have just bent over and taken it.

    Next time: E-celeb for vanu, E-celeb for TR, E-celeb for NC

    Learn from your mistakes and grow from it. Don't come to the forums and cry about it
  5. Ronin Oni

    NC were guilty of camping them too, they WERE less dickholes about it though, and they did at least attempt to distract VS after TR got fully warpgated.
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  6. LT_Latency

    And you are the classic example of what we don't like about the community.

    We didn't make mistakes. We took land and lock continents while you did nothing except try to scare new people away from the game and farm level ones.

    Your oh i love it. Doesn't make it better
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  7. BeefySleet

    You're literally the biggest tool on these forums currently. The point of these threads is also going over your head apparently. If you can't see how this doesn't drive a stake through this games heart, instead of breathing some new life into it, you're more retarded than I thought.

    Stop acting all totalitarian and foolish. Killing a bunch of brand new level 1's for hours on end at the WG while ignoring the other faction is childish, especially when it was an opportunity to bring new players into the game. Act like a pro all you want because your upgraded vehicles and weapons were killing some resource starved level 1's, but it doesn't make you a better player.
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  8. Ronin Oni

    Again with the "It's not MY fault they were uncoordinated and easy pickings"

    Sure, of course it's not the players fault that the TR was overloaded with low BR's without leadership....

    it IS the players fault for ABUSING THAT FACT TO NO END.

    Hopefully, yes, they've learned their lesson and if they ever attempt something similiar will try and spread out the player influx because no, it really can't go all that well.

    BUT I don't think they expected the playerbase to go ravenous over the chance to farm them either. I think they ight have thought "You know, we've got a pretty great community that likes to help new players"

    Silly SOE right? All their fault for trying to get us new players.

    BTW: The reason WHY the picked TR on Emerald is prolly, I dunno, the fact it's the most UP faction on US servers right now?

    Just because SOE didn't execute this nearly as well as they could have is no excuse for the behavior of the players in response.
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  9. Latrodectus

    I'm not here to argue anecdotes, you can claim that you've never killed any one ever within 10m of a spawn room.

    They had 75% population at Sharpe's run, the hex right next to their warp gate. With 75% of the pop, they couldn't take the hex. I'd love to hear what kind of fight you think they would have put up even if we had let them expand a few hexes. They'd have been right back in that warp gate almost immediately. This theoretical hand-holding fight that you have made up in your mind isn't possible.
  10. NoctD

    There was a bunch of TR the other day on Emerald on Hossin, I believe they had the pop advantage even. But the way they were spread out just made no sense whatsoever, one look at the map and it was simply bad. They were outnumbered because they spread out too thinly vs. NC/VS in various hexes, while the main bunch of TR was tied up in a foolish battle for Acan where they were getting farmed endlessly by VS.

    I just logged off. When your whole faction is too simply dumb to organize a bit better, you're not going to have a fun time. Thankfully my main TR is on Connery. I believe that was sometime during the everyone dual XP weekend.
  11. Ronin Oni

    Was it Saturday night? Cause that's when this fiasco of several hundred complete newbies without any leadership event happened.
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  12. LT_Latency

    TR was not on Hossin. Angry Joe was cause those guys are going to want to lead their armies cause they are hosting the event.

    All the TR leadership people that actually play the game were locking continents else where which is why we got a 94 percent lock on easimr in prime time
  13. KodiakX

    Pretty much any night with Emerald TR lol...
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  14. Latrodectus

    Say, that's a good point. You know, I'm not perfect, maybe my memory of that event was a little bit off. If ONLY there was some one who had the entire event recorded so we could simply see what the map looked like.


    Wait a minute.

    Are you thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?


    If you look at the map when the event starts, you'll see the NC and VS are fighting heavily at Zotz Biolab.

    Then, you get one last look at the map around 2:16:40 when he dies (to my Magrider of all things, what are the odds?) and you will see that not only aren't the Vanu losing ground, we have GAINED ground, pushing the NC all the way to their warpgate along the eastern lattice. Congratulations, you couldn't have been more wrong if you had tried.
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  15. NoctD

    I can't remember to be honest, but pretty sure it was that weekend. So possibly what I saw was earlier in the evening before they got warp-gated.
  16. Huxer

    I'd blame the organized outfits for having farmed the current player base if I didn't know that they were spearheading the assault on the BR1s :p I can totally understand a bunch of mid ranger guys having their day in the sun after having been picked apart by organized platoons. I can understand some players wanting to see their face in a video stream that people are watching. I can't understand how supposedly professional and dedicated outfits like Earth Special Forces, Dasanfall and The Iron Wolves would lower themselves to over 4 hours of warpgating a group of BR1s. It's almost like as a collective unit the organized outfits decided to piss all over the event to mark their territory.

    I don't even know what to say, I've been playing since beta, I do still like this game but it's getting a bit to toxic at this point to be enjoyable for anyone new. I'm actually embarrassed that my server got merged with Matherson and now I have consider myself a part of this self destructive dick comparing contest. It's the last east cost server so for the few months we have left I'll play TR and farm.
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  17. Ronin Oni

    Ain't that the truth :confused:

    I was trying to make a resurgence on my TR (Stopped playing waaay back during Waterson TR Overpop days) but, hell, I dunno man.

    I think I'd be more tempted to roll up a new Connery TR if I wanted to play TR.

    Except for the fact I ain't giving up all those certs... so will just hope it fixes itself someday lol
  18. KodiakX

    I have like everything I'd ever want unlocked and 1000's of certs sitting on my TR guy with no desire to go back to him at all with the current state of Emerald TR. The guns are terrible (completely uncontrollable horizontal recoil) and the over all thought process of players is terrible. There's basically zero cohesion or thought in most cases and the very few outfits that are competent simply don't have the effective force to make a difference.

    I had hopes for the Waterson merge, but was completely let down. As they say, can't fix stupid.
  19. Undeadfred

    My God it was me. I am the final nail in the coffin, Im a monster. Here I thought I was just fighting both TR and NC in a hex we had 2 lattus links into, but in reality I was a toxic troll. You forum have shown me the true error of my ways. Now I know shooting nameless TR is just playing the game, but shooting nameless TR during a stream is EXTREME TOXIC TROLLING!
  20. Ronin Oni

    I actually like the TR gear, which is why it's such a shame and loss to me.