Airplanes is a joke now, lol

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Malphai, Dec 6, 2012.

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  1. m44v

    TIME TO FARM AIR BOYS! there are some left for me? ... no? ah well.
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  2. TheEvilBlight

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  3. Sinist

    My only complaint is that FLAK has no tracer. And MAXES are not rendering to pilots. You can be shot down before flak becomes visible. Without tracers on Flak its almost impossible to tell where you are being shot from, especially because of the rendering issues.
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  4. Ronin Oni

    Can't wait to try the new changes.....

    and I'm a pilot FWIW.... Maybe I'll have a night with worse stats than 87/17 (with 6 of those being from friendlies crashing into me, and half the remaining deaths on the ground)
  5. PoopMaster

    ESFs aren't supposed to be flying tanks, they're fast attack fighters. Get used to it.
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  6. Reizod

    Yup, and the Devs make another silly after release and money spent decision to nerf the hell out of composite aromr the very thing that helps protect us a bit from these ghost Burster Maxes. :confused: But yet, the rendering issue for pilots still goes untouched? WTF!

    Yes, I'm mad... over 62hrs in a Scythe... the slowest of all the ESF's (harder to get away from unseen bursters), so I'm not happy at all right now. :mad:
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  7. TatharNuar

    And the secret nerf to the Bulldog: from 10 ammo to 4. Worst part was that it was yesterday's daily sale, advertised as 10 ammo. I don't even understand the point of that one, since nobody ever complained about it being OP.

    I dunno, at least composite armor conceals the big faction logos on the Liberator, so a camo might make that work even with the debuff. But the air balance is definitely something that needed a Combat Medic's precision knife cut (scalpel?) but just got a shotgun to the face instead.

    The proper way to balance is to make a single small change per patch and stop when the balance is found. Going back and forth on which side is made OP just makes everyone scream the other side is OP forever, thanks to some psychology stuff I don't understand. Sure, Higby can say the balance tweaks aren't done, but the damage is already done here.
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  8. WilsonMG

  9. Plunkies

    You mean there's a counter to air now other than "go inside"? How tragic.
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  10. TatharNuar

    Use AA MAX now to attack both and be immune to both, thanks to render distance and no tracer fire to track. At least I jumped on the left Burster daily sale today!
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  11. Sharpe

    Oh, it's not that bad gents - all the fools that were whining in the forum about ESF's are the same fools who never were willing to play AA, and still aren't. :rolleyes: They are playing CoD and CS in a different engine, and complain when anything interrupts that mentality.
    Just rocket that infantry to pieces - it's just as easy as before.

    Burster Max in the vicinity? Fly away - use terrain to surprise it while fully repaired and kill it. Direct hits will do the trick.
    More than one around? Well... you're gonna get shot to pieces, just as before the patch anyway.

    I am however, somewhat worried that SOE actually partially gave in to the "CoD people". Will it stop here? Will nerfs continue? The entitled generation surely will not stop the whining on the forums when they die to rockets, so ... how far will this go :confused:
    We will see..
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  12. Superdano

    Sony, when you nerf the hell out of something, that cost nearly 2k certs to max, you need to offer the option to recert into what you currently have or spend them on something else. It's absolutely unacceptable to make a change like this and offer no option for recerting into something else.
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  13. TatharNuar

    You realize that AA MAXes are incredibly hard for infantry to kill because of the high damage resistance and health, and often they're firing from a completely different base than the one you're attacking. The idea of "blame it on your lack of infantry support" just doesn't fly.
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  14. Tobax

    They didn't, see this just proves your totally wrong and its all in your head. You got the above from Higby's post saying about all this which isn't even being added until NEXT WEEK yet your already here crying they got buffed a week early.

    Your right its not even happening till next week yet people are already moaning about it because they think it came in today.
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  15. daskleineviech

    And the next update will actually require a functioning brain to fly any kind of aircraft, and that's the day the sky will be clear.

    Are you actually complaining that the small one-man fighter has to fear AA units now? The ESFs aren't supposed to be flying tanks and it's nice to see that there's another option for the infantry besides hiding.

    Because your tanks strafe, they are the only reason the guided AV missile launcher exists, so let the other factions have their pewpew fun with something else.

    Hard? One heavy can kill a max, especially if said MAX hasn't the loadout for AI. You need about 1.5 missiles to blow up a MAX.
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  16. Degenatron

    As a burster max I've been absolutely hammered to death before by Zepher Libs flying way up. Now, I'm not saying that they could see me, but they sure knew where I was somehow.
  17. RockHarder

    Wow- Are you really that terrible at this game..air was not hard to counter, unless youre a mouth breather
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  18. TatharNuar

    ESFs aren't supposed to be shot down before they know what hit them either. They're already the most fragile vehicle, except maybe the Flash.
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  19. CoreDave

    Oh what a surprise, they over did it. Who would of though changing a dozen balance factors at once might not be a good idea.

    Honestly if this is the way they are going to approach balancing the game I don't know if I will be able to hang in there. Why didn't they adjust one thing at a time by small increments until a balance was found instead of buffing flak, nerfing flak armour, nerfing rocket pods, buffing AA rockets (and nerfing them at the same time). I mean really of course the end result isn't going to be balanced you would have to be a genius to predict how all those changes at once would shake out.

    Anyway, I spent 20 mins on a hill in a single burster max with two other duel burster maxs nearby and we killed almost everything in the skies that renderered for us. The few that got away were very heavily damaged and would be easy prey for any thing else to finish off. I didn't even bother getting in my Scythe. So the skies are going to be empty over any significant action it seems because a handful of maxs can deal with many times there number of flyers.
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  20. Moxin

    I dont see a difference with 1x AA die easy from rockets and infantry takes you out with no issues. But will play more often to judge this better.
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