Airplanes is a joke now, lol

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Malphai, Dec 6, 2012.

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  1. ZoSoGetsu

    If you hate aircraft so much, why don't you go play a game without them? It will never be like the end of beta was and there were 500 tanks zerging around with aircraft dying in seconds. That was a huge failure and resulted in much more complaining than you see now about so called "OP air". If it does go back to that, changes will revert quickly I promise. You are going to keep getting rocketed. Sorry. Pilots just have to hit you 1.5 meters closer, and AA will still be boring. Right now it is enough to deter, and soe has expressed that is the extent of AA. It is not a hard counter. Its just on the underpowered side right now.
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  2. Goden

    The OP is having a temper tantrum over some long needed balance changes which stop his ability to farm tons of certs from defenseless players - but that's not the biggest problem

    the problem is that that patch isn't even live yet. This can only lead me to assume that the OP is a awful pilot or that they have a terrible case of projection. Probably both.
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  3. Kediec

    Gotta love it. OP crying about a change that isn't even in game yet, which completely makes you lose all credibility. At least wait until the AA changes are in and players are trying it out before making a post like you did.

    This thread first paragraph from Smed :)
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  4. Wrek

    Just do what I do, use AP turret on a vanguard and aim on the pesky fighters. one shot, one kill<3
  5. Goden

    Oh I very much expect to see him bump this thread when the patch goes live. I expect to see his rushing river of tears because his favorite vehicle got a balance patch. He'll make it out like it is the literal end of the world and that the game is going to die and people will be leaving in droves and blah blah blah blah pointless rubbish. Unless he's willing to compromise and come up with a solution to the AA vs ESF debate then everything he types is pointless. Having tons of thread all complaining about the same thing is bad enough, it's even worse when those threads are complaining that they can't be OP anymore.
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  6. xen3000

  7. f0d

    WOW way to over react
    i have been flying all day and i never even noticed the patch was even in effect yet

    edit: looking at a few posts above mine it looks like it actually isnt in effect yet :)
  8. Elbryan

    The flak armor nerf only applies to the ESFs? not libs (i hope not)?
  9. DarkFidelity

    Holy crap. It's not getting nerfed. It's being BUFFED.
  10. xen3000

  11. Lopshot

    XS is not in game right now, if you got killed by one it must have been a Dev using it I would think.
  12. Ranik

    Actually the XS is in game. For some reason one burster arm is just called the burster, the other is called the burster XS. Same stats though
  13. Lopshot

    Oh you are right, just checked mine... The only thing is it works just like the other one, from what I've read the real XP would only fire 3 shots then reload, but do significantly more damage per shot, some kind of plasma burst if I remember right.
  14. Herbaceous

    Yeah, it's terrible... :rolleyes:

    No longer can a Mosquito hover outside a spawn-point or room, making tiny adjustments to its elevation to avoid lock-on rockets, while it barrages the area with HE rockets - before flying away to re-arm, rinse and repeat... Outrunning lock-on missiles... :p

    I was getting so fed up with swarms of Mozzies showing up in a decent fight, only to ruin it by blanket-podding everything with impunity. Last night, for the 1st time I can remember, I actually stood my ground with my Max and fought off a swarm (with fellow AA's) as our division broke through a bridge defense and onto a base. The fight was still epic and challenging, and I had my work cut out for me, but the balance finally felt better. Also, hat's off to the defenders that made us work for it...

    PS. Half a clip is an extreme exaggeration. I had to burn through both Flak clips to take one out and that was if it left itself open to my attack. Skilled pilots were still hard to take down, but no longer impossible.
  15. Tamas

    Not for that cost - too little survivability - better to take other options into that slot.
  16. Gary

    Firstly Rocket pods were clearly in need of balancing. No actual damage reduction just small radius for maximum damage.

    Secondly - Lock on missiles, Really your complaining about the only weapon in the game that gives you plenty of warning and chances to evade and leave the zone before it hits you. People still need to understand it is meant to dominate the air. You can take stealth to increase lock on time, Flares to evade the missile or simply fly away as soon as you hear the lock. Or simply use terrain to block the missile.

    Thirdly - Thought all the Pods were the same with slight differences. mosquito does least damage per missile but fires more in a magazine. Reaver fires less but does more damage per rocket and scythe fires 2 at a time with a slow rate for huge damage. the TR has 16 rockets because they do less damage per shot.

    Fourth on the list - An engineer cannot out repair any sort of rocket pod damage unless you come in fire of your volley then fly away to reload and come back later. Repair tools simply over heat and i'm fairly sure the damage done by the clip of Rocket pods is more then what an engineer can repair before having to stop to cool off.

    Fifth - I am fairly certain i read that the composite armor was not nerf'd but the tool tip corrected or something.

    Sixth - The bull dog got a clip reduction because they increase the splash damage and radius on it.
  17. lordprinceps

    i never said i hated air, i fly quite reguraly with my outfit, all i said was the tears of flybois were delicious (they taste a bot like chicken broth)
  18. Lord Gazgul


    cry more baby flyboy and learn to realy pilot your plane now
  19. Goats

    That's good. There are anti-infantry nose guns for a reason, rocket pods are meant to be AV, not anti-everything.
  20. Tenzek

    If you don't like AA, you can go play a game without it. Is it kind of an "everyone who doesn't like ESF should leave so we can make this ESF online" whine? Telling him he should leave because he likes the direction the game is going makes no sense.

    I think the two of us can probably agree that AA was strong enough to do its job if they could get enough people to actually use it. In terms of population balance, it would be a reasonable amount of people dedicated to AA.

    The problem is that there is currently very little in the way of incentive. The AA pieces are expensive to purchase and offer very little return compared to most other activities. Getting people to spawn AA is the problem they need to tackle, and not necessarily making it stronger.

    I like to play AA, and I saw for myself that you could get a lot of XP quickly if you had several AA units in the area and there were enough targets to shoot at. The problem is this situation is very rare.

    Still, thanks for the tears!
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