Air is very weak in my opinion. They don't do a whole lot of damage. Especially with engineers nearby repairing vehicles they're attacking. Aircraft are very exposed because they fly and are mostly visible to everyone on the battlefield. I cant remember the last time I was destroyed in a tank from a liberator or ESF. Their is barley any aircraft flying around in battles, probably because they get destroyed so easily. There's always more ground vehicles than aircraft. So when I'm playing as anti air, there's usually nothing to shoot at! Here's my suggestion Buff all air to ground weapons by 35% Increase the speed of ESF's to at least 300km Make infantry visible to aircraft at the same range as tanks are, its like aircraft is shunned from taking part in the battle. Just my thoughts!
Air is going to keep getting nerfed until it is utterly useless unless piloted by the aciest of ace pilots.
it is ridiculous! A2G should be forbitten it only destroys the fun for infantry players! who likes beeing farmed by banshee, ppa...its the easiest way ketting kills cause you need no skill.... even I say this as a pilot!!
That is only the start. Everything is too weak buff all vehicle damage 25%, Air by 35% and AA by 50%. While air has a hard time taking out ground vehicles so do other ground vehicles and worse of all dedicated AA platforms like the burster or skyguard can only deter air unless they are present in overwhelming numbers and in one on one duels ESFs should not be able to stand up to dedicated AA let alone win. Also lockon range needs to be extended to draw distance.
Don't forget the flash! Flash weapons need to at least 300% more damage. I mean you don't see a lot of flashes around. They are not able to kill zergs of tanks so they should be buffed.
Most air nose guns kill infantry in 5 shots... they really don't need buffed. Then there is lolpods, don't even go there.
So I don't agree with your proposed buffs, but I do agree with you. Case in point: The cliff face just outside of the SE Indar warpgate. It has always been difficult to clear out AA nests there. Now it is almost impossible. Air needs to be strong enough to be able to face its counter, or else its counter will show up places that neither air nor ground can deal with it cost effectively.
I think the last time i didn't get atleast a 25 kill streak in an airvehicle (any of the 3) i got a friendly Skywhale hug from an Outfitmate in the warpgate while waiting for the MAXes of my Squad to board...
Here's the deal: If you think air is an easy way to get kills, go try it and see what happens to you. I'm not saying air is fine, but it's got high experience requirement before you can reliably succeed with it. Air is not inherently more vulnerable due to being seen by more players, because you don't have to fly in view. Good pilots maneuver around using the landscape for cover. Many NC pilots will even hover around spawn rooms or towers gibbing infantry with the air hammer, but to do that they of course need to have a good handle on making tight maneuvers with the vehicle. So the predicament really is that it's hard to nerf air, well at least ESF, when it's so hard to succeed with for your average player(as the OP probably is). It's perfectly reasonable to think air seems too weak when you're a new pilot 'cause AA options are brutal against awkward pilots(they have to be to take out good pilots though). Maybe good players can do too much with air, I'm not sure as I could never be arsed to try to fly with PS2's weird controls.
No its reasonable that flashes can't kill tanks but you are partially right they need buffs to anti infantry add a second weapon controlled with left and right buttons just like a max. One of the weapons can be replaced with an activatable shield like on engie turrets forward facing only of course I don't know if you should need to be stationary to activate the shield or not.
Ummm... if a unit was able to face off and destroy its counter effectively, then that counter wouldn't be a counter anymore, would it?
Not if you do hit'n runs. Yes if you hover over 10 skyguards to get a clean lolpod salvo on 1 tank. Then there is dogfighting...