Air is the only thing that doesn't fear its counter.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, Mar 22, 2016.

  1. fusion322

    Air can't deal with everything already, allowing something with so many hitpoints to have such a massive amount of damage is not a good idea no matter what the situation is, whether its land or air or infantry or w.e else.
  2. Scr1nRusher

    Were you around since PC beta launch?

    Lib & galaxy(especially the whale) says hello.
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  3. Tr34

    BS. Try playing with ESF, everything is anti-air in this game. Survival with ESF is hardcore mode.
    I can play infiltrator and survive easily, but while I play ESF every single unit in the game shoots at me and deals damage.
  4. Scr1nRusher

    But are they actually killing you?


    Also you can just fly higher to avoid all AA.
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  5. Cyropaedia

    It's not like ESF/Libs can insta-gib MBTs, Lightnings, or even Harrassers. (It takes 6-8+ Hornets to kill a full health MBT as opposed to 2 C4 or 2 tank mines). A very good 3-person Lib might be the exception. If they fly away, they lose their target. Pilots frequently enter a frenzy/get greedy and pursue targets only to be destroyed by AA. You are also ignoring the cumulative effect of AA in a hex with a battle larger than 12-24 and/or a tower-type base (i.e. Crossroads, Crown, Snowshear) and/or Tech Plant.
  6. Tr34

    You need to get close to the ground to see ground units, the game doesn't draw them from distance. After you get close, anything can kill you.
    What you say is not true, it's really easy to destroy aircraft from ground if your faction actually shoots at air vehicles.
    If you are talking about the driver not getting killed, it's the same thing for other vehicles. You can press U and jump.
    If enemy ESF's are flying freely, it means your faction doesn't have enough AA units. One airguard can lock all the airspace of one base. If you can't use an airguard(enemy tanks etc.), you can use a burster max instead. I think liberator and galaxy hp should be lowered though.
  7. thebigbortishbort

    idk about air not fearing its counter , those G2A missiles are pretty **** , i went from beta to now never using flares and its alot of running away , you could say running away represents fear :p

    though in all seriousness anti air has so many god damn forms is not funny , whether you call em deterrents or counters it matters quite little , if aircraft represent an issue pull AA , such as a liberator a damn dumbfire HA missile thingy will take out a huge chunk of it in a single hit , though i guess it depends on situation.
  8. CrimsonEpsilon

    All of the above... Loooooooveeeeeee yoooooouuuuuuuuuuu....
  9. Reclaimer77

    I can't wait for the construction system. I hope every single one of these tools runs into massed constructed bases everywhere they go with shield and AA turrets galore. I hope they feel truly FARMED for the first time ever. I hope they are pushed back all the way to their warpgates and then get camped.

    Maybe then we can have a constructive dialogue about this issue. But then again probably not.
  10. Cyropaedia

    If AA is so weak, why do entire platoons set up AA nests near enemy warpgates? For Lulz?
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  11. Archard

    Because it takes that many to be useful.

  12. Cyropaedia

    Actually, it's instant death for any Aircraft approaching a nest with a three Bursters.

    Though I think you're onto something. Perhaps, devs refuse to buff AA because any more power would lead to one faction shutting down Air at an encircled enemy warpgate. Instead of a platoon AA nest, a few spread out AA squads (covering different approaches) could lock down a warpgate where Air is the only recourse to push out. It would be spawn camping on a continent level. You could apply this principle even one or two hexes out of a warpgate.
  13. Sebastien

    Don't pull from the WG then.
  14. Cyropaedia

    I am saying a fully encircled warpgate. Warpgate is your only hex.

    You could hack a terminal in an enemy hex and deploy from a squad beacon. However, 12-24 won't help against 48-96 or 96+ forces fully mobilized at your warpgate.
  15. LodeTria

    AA sunderer use walkers or basilisk, not rangers.
    Besides, even then we could just not buff the sunderer rangers as much similar to how all but sunderer basilisk were buffed.
  16. Sebastien

    If the WG is your only Hex and it's encircled then nothing is getting out. That AA ball is the least of your problems when you can't even get a Sundie out
  17. Badname707

    It happens all the time, actually. Unless you have a membership and a resource boost, nanites are actually an easily expendable resource. Since my average lifespan in a plane is typically far less than in a ground vehicle, I generally spend more time waiting to use aircraft than other vehicles.

    Are people suggesting to lower the flight ceiling? I've honestly never seen that one. And there are engine issues with raising the flight ceiling, iirc.

    Waterson was once renowned for it's air game, Mattherson for its infantry. Since the server merge, most of the old 'MLG' Waterson outfits faded out of existence. Unless things have changed significantly in the past 6 months or so, Connery air is still subpar.

    Sure, let's see the stats. I'd like to see which ones you're looking at.

    Air can deal with everything the same way a fury flash can deal with everything, or a basilisk sundy. It isn't necessarily bad, but unless you're specc'd for a specific target in mind, you aren't going to achieve much.

    Actually, yes. It's almost always for the lulz. Unless it's 1-2 squads, you're using up force that could far better be used on the frontlines. Unless they actually have you pushed close to their WG, it's not usually a good application of force.

    Well, no. The biggest problem is being outpositioned and having no room to maneuver, so you have a penalty with a ground assault. If you're outpositioned, then air is your supposed counter; air makes flanking possible. If ground forces AND aerial forces cannot effectively engage AA, then that IS your biggest problem.
  18. Bassmeant1

    what is this big investment you guys are talking about?

    only people who are cert light on this game are folks who don't understand how it works.
    we regularly hand over fully tricked out sundies to new players to help them get traction. you can pull 1k in certs easy daily if you roll the rep sundie in a convoy. but we also use sundies as offensive vehicles too. im just aa sundie, but that doesn't mean i wont hit ramming speed and smash the occasional lightning or halfasser to pieces.

    most of our group stopped having stuff to spend certs on months ago and we have just been saving to trick out the ant if it happens to arrive before june, which is when this game will be a ghost town if it doesn't.

    but, yeah, i dunno what y'all are doing out there but clocking certs is easy.
  19. LodeTria

    Actually you want to go as low as possible so you can use terrain to break LoS, not go high as that puts you further and further from cover.
  20. MonnyMoony

    AA could be buffed whilst still avoiding this - by simply upping the damage at short range - especially against libs and gals.

    I would suggest something like 150 at 50m reducing to 20 at 200m.

    That would give a better counter to Libs and Gals who dive in low with impunity - whilst still allowing them to avoid long range AA fire by climbing to altitude.

    The burster would have a similar damage profile beyond 100m as it does now (very slightly higher) and would be identical beyond 200m - but would do more damage at ranges less than 100m (significantly more at less than 50m).

    Air who hovers stationary ~50m above the ground farming infantry deserves to get whacked.