Aiming isn't smooth, needs to be fixed.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MarthKoopa, Dec 14, 2012.

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  1. Babylon Rocker

    being nice goes a long way, being a ****tard apparently not :D
  2. Garrix

    Or we don't, and you are projecting your issue onto others to attempt to make it seem more important than it is.
  3. Baustin

    I've definitely noticed this issue when zooming on the passenger gun of a Magrider (sorry forgot the name). It happens regardless when using that gun, but when zoomed it's exponentially worse. When zoomed and aiming the crosshair will jump very slightly instead of move smoothly as they should.
  4. Delax


    Move along everyone.
  5. vampwood

    Can confirm this. Vehicles seem have to a hamper on very minute corrections, its most noticeable in a ESF when you try to adjust a tiny amount and it resists you.
  6. Babylon Rocker

    Whats the Engineer repair gun bug?
  7. MarthKoopa

    Oh but you do, and you really do not notice it, because you don't care about the finer points of FPS games.
  8. Delax

    That's a random question considering the topic... but okay.

    The engie gun bug is when you switch to the repair tool to have it switch back to the main weapon forcing you to reselect the repair tool. Most often this results in sending a few rounds into a friendly vehicle or MAX, never seen someone get TKed from it though.
  9. Ivalician

    I'm with OP.

    After the very first time I played this game ( like two or three hours straight ), my friend's asked me my opinion and I told them I felt the aim was a bit wonky. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but it didn't feel as smooth as Battlefield. I thought it was due to just not being used to the game, but I still notice it now. And I rolled NC as well. The end result was I had very little confidence in my weapons, and ended up playing very conservatively and from there, just to support roles. Of course I've gotten more used to it, and now, I'm not confident in my weapons for primarily different reasons ( CQC is not stock NC weapon's intended role ). But I still sometimes notice it.

    Later I noticed the game had the 'use raw mouse input' option checked or on or whatever. I don't know if that's on by default or what, but normally I don't use raw mouse input. I know all the pros or whatever use raw mouse input, but I grew up playing PC games from before this whole raw mouse input thing was even a hot topic, so I'm used to acceleration and play better with acceleration and smoothing or whatever on. And actually, I do just fine in BF3 with raw mouse input off. I average 2.2 - 2.6 K/D in TDM, and just two days ago, went 6.0 K/D in scavenger ( lucky game though ).

    So here's the thing. My mouse sensitivity is pretty damn high, so now, I'm assuming the raw mouse input option combined with my sensitivity ( I left the option on ) is causing my aim to be very jittery. So that is probably the same effect you're describing.

    So that might be your problem. Maybe its not so much a grid, but you normally don't play with raw mouse input on, and my hunch is this game has raw mouse input on by default.
  10. Delax

  11. Babylon Rocker

    ah yeah have that too occasionally

    And this thread is done anyway, so why not highjack it for some Q&A :D
  12. DorkSided

    It's less noticeable on high resolution. Play on 1280x720 and the grid snapping effect is noticeable but on 1920x1080 it's still there but way less problematic.
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