Aimbotting Vanguard Drivers?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zagareth, Jun 24, 2013.

  1. Zagareth

    From my own experience as a Tank driver, I know its very very hard to recognize and see incoming ESFs while they are rocketpodding the tank. All eplosions make the driver completely blind and its hard to see the ESF behind it. Somehow, a lot of Vanguard drivers manage it to 1-shot me down on the 1st attempt during the the rocketpodding explosion blindness. I'm not hovering, I'm on full speed (220-230) and they are usually distracted by someone else on the battlefield.
    Nevertheless, they manage to shoot me down within the 3-4 seconds that it takes to make that flyby with the Vanguard main cannon. And they only have ONE attempt. I usually would call it bad luck, IF it wouldn't happen so regulary.

    I know, these 3-4 seconds are the weakest seconds of the flyby, because I have to fly a straight line to the tank and if there weren't the explosion blindness, I wouldn't say anything.

    Also, this isn't the only thing while weird things happen. When I get shot down by the Libs Dalton when I'm trying to get the Libs itself in my line of fire - ok, my fault. But when this happens during zigzag lines from a Lib that isn't even close and this repeatedly from the same player, then I doubt that it has something to do with "uber aiming skillz" or my own "crap flying skillz"

    However, some people seem to shoot too good to be true and my suspicion, that aimbots are a common 3rd party equipment of a soldier in PS2, will not become less by these "events"

    SOE should really get a method to recognize these 3rd party tools or make ingame "mods (implants/utilities)" that have the same effect, so the cheaters won't gain an advantage over the "normal" players.

    Btw... the "Cheat-Patrol" of the GMs is a joke. No sane gamer would cheat that blatantly, that you could point the finger on it and say: "He cheats" - So please, get a working system and not these "cosmetic" acions.

    Thank you
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  2. Kevorkian

    Are you lolpodding them from directly above? Only safe angle vs a good tanker.
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  3. Rebornvanu

    I think the cheating problem we have on all weapons which kills with one hit. Very hard to identify a cheater as a player. I have the same problem with some pump action users.
  4. Larolyn

    I would love to see a recording of your approach and delivery of Rocket Pods to a Vanguard because I know from experience, despite the explosions, I can judge from the trajectory of the incoming missiles, where the ESF should be and will shoot off an AP round. I am getting better at this now and only miss when they come in from incredibly steep angles. I'd say anything to up to approximately 60 degrees descending on my tank will not live to fire the rockets.

    It has cost me many tanks to learn how to do this and get the shot right and if I am tired or distracted I will miss. My greatest fear in my tank is air and infantry and I have a gunner who spots as much as she possibly can. We rarely fail to spot an airborne target and due to the slow delivery time of rocket pods payload, I can, with a high probabilty of success, shoot you clean out of the sky.

    So if you have some footage please post it and we can take a closer look at your angle of approach, timings of your rocket pod launching and hang time during the delivery.
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  5. CNR4806

    Are aimbots advanced enough to calculate distance, speed and projectile physics these days?

    Wow, I surely feels old.
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  6. Goretzu

    Just watch youtube, they basically can make your tea for you too these days.
  7. Vikingo

    OP if you get shot down by Vanguards often, then I am sorry but you are very predictable in your flying. Predictable pilots does not live long around Vanguards.

    I am by no means a Vanguard ace but if there are slow moving lolpodders who attack in straight flight approaches I can shoot them down quite often and I am using HEAT.
  8. biterwylie

    Many ESF come in on a very similar straight / predicatable flight path. Try using the thrusters to gain altitude while maintaining your heading. Towards the end of delivering your rockets you can end up right in the face of the tank, just at the very moment the tanker has spotted and aimed at you and puts one down your throat.
  9. ForAlcoholicBeverage

    When its clear that people are not cheating, nerf thread is sure to follow. You flyboys got too cocky from your "skillful" lolpodding of infantry and tanks - we adapted.
  10. Adjuchas

    You really need to provide us with a video of your technique to make a proper judgement. A decent tank user is going to hit you at least half the time when you're heading straight towards the tank. The reason for this is that tank users spend more time fighting off aircraft than armour.
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  11. Ourous

    Same over here with the lightning AP.

    Note to inexperienced pilots: Rocketpods are not flashbangs
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  12. Juni

    I shoot down aircraft in a tank all the time, and get shot down by tanks while in aircraft all the time aswell, it is nothing new.
    It is not as easy to pull off as some people think though, mostly you get lucky and the pilot does not correct his approach and just gets vaporized by incoming tank fire.
  13. Owleyes

    Spot, See a Dorito, And fire. It isn't cheating.

    You need to change your angle of attack or make sure they're distracted and that's it.
  14. TWolfJaeger

    I use thermal sights for this purpose. Most lolpodding ESFs come in low angle and wait until they're relatively close to dump all their missiles. The explosions and dust don't obscure the bright yellow outline of your plane coming right at me.

    Got any other questions?
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  15. Kevin49704

    Like a lot of people have said even with the explosions its not too difficult to tell where the plane is in it, also there are a lot of times the explosion are hitting below my camera and my main gun still has decent sight. The other thing is (and how I prolly get most my kills on Esfs that sneak up on me) is someone else spotting you and alerting the tank driver. By the time I get my turret turned and lined up you then you would have started firing but I've already lined up the shot. Honestly if your low enough to be hit by the tank and unloading all your rockets into him in one pass your probably spending too much time on the run, either attack from higher or move faster and fire less rockets then make multiple runs.
  16. Vortok

    There are three tank main guns that will one shot a full health ESF. Mag AP, Van HEAT, and Van AP. Two of those have 225 velocity, the third has 275. It's just a tad easier to hit air with a Vanguard because they have to lead a little bit less than other tanks.
  17. Fang7.62

    Its hard to move erratically when trying to dump all your rockets precisely on the target. It doesnt matter how fast you fly, from the tank's perspective you hardly move and AP shells travel fast. Attack tanks directly from above where they cant aim.
  18. P4NJ

    Forget about podding vanguards in 1 salvo, that's all I can say. What I do wait for them to be engaged elsewhere and then shoot some of the pods in their back, pull up, reload and hit them from above. From my experience in vanguards, hitting aircraft is extremely easy if they're attacking you (you just put the crosshair in the middle, they're hardly moving from your perspective), even I could do it at 10 FPS in a large battle and my aim sucks.
    Now, there have been "suspicious" occasions, with low battleranks shooting me out of the sky during fast low flybys when I hadn't even seen them anywhere, but it's too rare to call it anything other than luck.
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  19. Sebastien

    It's a reflex that came from the time of 1.2 second TTK on our MBTs. If you didn't learn how to do this, your tank would quickly be reduced to a burning wreckage.
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  20. Larolyn

    I know a pilot who does barrel rolls as he unloads his rocket pods. It is recorded too in this weeks MLG War Report. The VODs haven't come yet but when they do I will link you the "do a barrel roll while lol podding" maneuver.
  21. Cougarbrit

    Barrel rolls seem to have a magical anti AA property to them, I swear I dodge flak damage while pulling dem rolls, ***** so cash I wanna monetise it and sell it to bads.

    Also OP, all Vanguard drivers use aimbots, Aimbot Projectiles, or AP rounds for short.