A team of aimbotters are active. Its not possible to play the game with aimbotters shooting around. If devs don't solve the problem aimbotters the game is screwed.
Any evidence? And did you make sure to report them? In addition, are you sure they're aim botters, and not just very skilled players? Because most people just call them tryhards, in which case I understand because holy hell, they kill fast!
The first infection outbreak caught me on January 24th, i saw a lot of post about flying hackers on reddit. At January 25th i start to see them in the air personally, in biolabs or open field battles. A lot of peoples complain in yell chat, ammount of report tickets jump from 2k to 5k, so it was +3k reports in one day I stopped played at Jan 25, 10:30:06 PM, even considering what most of the hackers are TR, using T7 Mini-Chain gun (I assume because the effectiveness of the new hack depends on the weapon that the cheater uses and it seems like TR chaingun is their best option, so thats why most of them/all are TR) i just don't want to participate in this shjtfest even if my a$$ isn't suffered. I keep monitoring situation and it's getting worse each day. I saw a lot of player profiles with 100+ KDR. Man, just look at that shjt: You still won't believe?
https://www.planetside2.com/players/#!/5428957217467006849/killboard You want proof? Check this guy out
These folks come and go - they don't even try to be discrete about it to prove a point; specifically that cheating in PS2 is a serious issue (and possibly to advertise / sell their latest hack). If they just toned down their antics you would have many people jumping on these threads (the 'git gud' crowd) dissing anyone who suggests it's an issue. It's a big issue - it has been a big issue for a long time - and it's clearly not going to be resolved any time soon. The memories of the post-Battleye cheating hiatus have faded, despite the fact that asset manipulation was also rife at the time. Maybe still is.
Its not a big issue that's been here for a long time. I wasn't even aware of it until last week. I think that it's a new exploit and once the devs patch it, you won't see it. Usually they are trying to sell their hacks before the devs patch it and thats when they become so aggressive. Asset manipulation also saw its patches and ban waves. From the camp of GIT GUD
Now imagine all the guys that are not so obvious were there hacks.. The ESP, trigger bot hackers(which is near aimbot hack), speed hacks, hackers like a certain guy that ran with INI ELITE and was a leader of that crew....Hell I was reading up on it and you can even adjust your damage...0.o IJS if you think that a lot of people play this game and are not as blatant about their hacks then you are fooling yourself.. I know we all faced people that seemed to always know where you were, did a little to much damage, took a little to much damage each and ever time you faced them..Moved to fast without the matching implants, ETC... I hear you "Git Good" guys ready to chime in.. But I been playing PS for a very very long time, 2003 to be exact.. I have seen all types of people who I knew did a little to much, and usually it turned out that they were hacking.. *Cough* SGprophet and crew *Cough*.. If you played PS1 from the start you will know what I mean, took SOE 2+ years to finally do something about those guys... Bottom line SOE/Daybreak does not have a real good track record on stopping hackers in this game...The stories I could tell you...
I actually haven't ran into a single player who killed me and I thought somethings not right, this guy is trying to hide their hack. Not a single one - but then again; 90% of the time I don't even look at who killed me before I respawn.
I've played since January 2013 and almost unbelievably, the hacking community was busy producing cheats even then (I found this out when joining a hacking forum - after countless "this isn't right" scenarios piqued my suspicion). The sophistication that the paid-for hacks reached is actually mind boggling - eg. fully adjustable aimbot so you don't just keep hitting the head and can decrease accuracy when needed. They even made changes so the camera wouldn't instantly snap to the targets allowing the cheat to actually stream (and receive much adoration for amazing skillz). Look for youtube videos of the hags-club hack from 3-4 years ago. If people are still willing to cheat even when they have something very real and significant to lose, what hope can a free-to-play game have ? (Ask Faze Jarvis). Meanwhile the mood on the hack forums has changed - the realisation that their efforts have real consequences (as the DBG folk get sacked, the playerbase continues to diminish, people pulling ridiculous stunts to prove a point). DBG have actually done an awful lot to try and prevent the cheats but still they prevail.
O.C I reported them. There were 3 of m shooting @ me. The 1st one I reported, I was kill #5. After that he made another 230 kills. It took 23 mins after my report to kick him :-( This should be much faster.
Last week we had two TR dudes in a bio lap lvl 10 with 200 kills in no time... They were at it for so long we asked TR to start TKing them.. I even logged my TR in to do the same.. Then the dude just levitated out of the spawn room (right through the ceiling) to avoid getting TKed...The other one we could never find, we think he was in the floor... I agree they are taking WAAAAY to long to respond now to hacks.. When the game first started they ad a CSM on duty at all times... Maybe they should hire one again, especially since a lot of us pay the bills around here!!!
I've seen two hackers in two weeks, one was a TR heavy named "Mr Magic" or something to that effect and an NC heavy whose name was just a string of a few letters and lots of numbers. Both ignored the gravity and the lack of ground (aka airstrafing), and also had aimbot and penetration (shots go through terrain/building/spawn room shields) hacks on. People definitely talked about and taled **** to the second one in game. To say the least if a high frequency of reports against a player are occurring within a relatively short period of time (such as say 10-15 collsion hack reports within 15-30 minutes against "username"), that player should be automatically banned for the next half hour, and immediately request a moderator to look at the reports before the ban expires. And since players already cannot lodge more than one report against a specific player per 30-60 minutes (maybe longer), thus preventing players from spamming reports against someone, there's no need to add anything else to make sure this adjustment isn't abused.
Well it looks like the cheaters are trying to mix it up a little - by creating an NC toon instead: He is detected and currently being removed but alas, only after 453 kills (who didn't stand a chance). Now it has been so very bad recently that something has stirred them into action - my hope is that it is DBG banning their long-term cheating characters and so they resort to these sorts of antics. I have noticed a certain outfit (well known for ahem 'really great players honest') haven't played in a fair while now...but whatever it is, it sure is annoying. Please just re-introduce the auto-ban.
Oh Dear heavens you accuse folks of Aimbotting, walking through walls and having extra good Flashlights ~ they will dog on you, bully you and call you names like other children did when you were on the playground in Elementary school. Shy away, the only ones who can provide proof is a DEV and how can a player argue against DEV(s) or trust one to be impartial to the players as a whole and NOT JUST THEIR OUTFIT....
Good on ya, always report the hackers. And maybe? It's a big game, and I don't think they have too many people dedicated solely for reviewing reports, so it does take them time to get to each one. Honestly, it used to take longer. Then before that time, they had an automated system for banning people(would even display a server-wide message saying they were banned), but eventually it started messing up and they had to change how they deal with these things..... And then Tigerrr started telling people publicly how to abuse construction mechanics.
Looks like they might've hit that guy with some kind of ban, because he was on for the 28th, and ain't been on since!
Yep they do get caught but it takes too long and guess what - they just create another player at their leisure (rinse and repeat). For example - from today (right now in fact) - here is the leaderboard for Miller: Someone (or some people) are really hacked off right now (no pun intended) and just want to keep bringing on the misery.
His account is still active, I just checked. Unfortunately this game has ALWAYS been known for Cheaters running rampant
Depends what you mean by 'active'. If you mean - his account can still be viewed (ie. not deleted) - then you are correct. However he hasn't played since the 28th of Jan so suspect he has been banned. It is bad - I can barely bring myself to play these days. Sad.